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[Closed] Rollout hierarchy


We have two rollouts (A and B) , how we can make rolloutB child of rolloutA?. so rolloutB automatically close after closing rolloutA.

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call destroyDialog rolloutB in rolloutA ‘close’ handler

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This way works very well, but how we can connect position,color,button style and other rollout properties?

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Use Subrollouts?

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No, rollouts are separate dialog. what this code do in dotnet form?

thePtr = DotNetObject “System.IntPtr” (windows.getMAXHWND())
theHwnd = DotNetObject “MaxCustomControls.Win32HandleWrapper” thePtr

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When you later call .Show on the form and give it theHwnd as a parameter, it will set the IWin32Window you created as the owner of the form.

When a form is owned by another form, it is closed or hidden with the owner form. For example, consider a form named Form2 that is owned by a form named Form1. If Form1 is closed or minimized, Form2 is also closed or hidden. Owned forms are also never displayed behind their owner form. You can use owned forms for windows such as find and replace windows, which should not disappear when the owner form is selected. To determine the forms that are owned by a parent form, use the OwnedForms property.


This is what exactly I’m looking for , but I use rollout.