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[Closed] rollout GotFocus/LostFocus events?

I have a rollout with a lot of callbacks for hiding, freezing, renaming objects etc.
it makes massive operations on objects in the scene very slow, so I want to suspend the callbacks when the dialog is not in focus and update it when it gains focus again.

I searched Max’s help back and forth and didn’t find any GotFocus / LostFocus events (like dotnet controls have) for a rollout. how can I know when my rollout lost focus?

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Rollout doesn’t have “GotFocus/LostFocus kinda” events. But… Are you talking about Rollout as Dialog, or about rollout in a Rollout Floater (plug-in, utility,…)?

I have a rollout dialog with dotnet toolstrip container inside of it (remember my last question you brilliantly solved? I tried to use the container’s focus events with no use. any ideas?

SplitContainer has MouseOver and MouseLeave events. Use them…