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[Closed] Resizing an internet explorer activeX to fit window?
May 15, 2007 9:00 pm
How do I resize an internet explorer (mshtml) activex control to fill a resizable window? I can’t seem to set the width property at all.
rollout rBrowser "Browser" silenterrors:true
activeXControl axHTML "" setupEvents:true releaseOnClose:true
on rBrowser open do (
showProperties axHTML
print " - "
showMethods axHTML
print " - "
showEvents axHTML
on rBrowser resized wh do (
print "Resizing rollout"
axHTML.Width = wh.x
browserDialog = CreateDialog rBrowser height:300 width:500 style:#(#style_resizing, #style_titlebar, #style_border, #style_sysmenu)