[Closed] ResetXform but keep instanced objects
I’ve searched for this quite much and there seem to be no solution, but I wanted to make sure; is there any method to resetXform but keep instancing for instanced objects?
There are more than 1 solution for all tasks in Max. Or more ways to same solution.
What do you mean with ” instanced objects”?
You can instance creation parameters, modifiers, animation/transform controllers…
Don’t like to propose any solution on undefined questions but, you know for “Dont affect children” option in Hierarchy panel?
Resetting transform will not brake instancing.
You are probably talking about collapsing (to another object)?
So losing/changing some controllers.
you’re right of course! That’s when the problem occurs.
So, lets properly define the question then: how can I collapse after resetXform and keep the instancing
ResetXForm doesn’t reset instancing. Collapse Stack does do it. There is no built-in option to keep instancing after stack collapsing.
But… you can do it using your custom code:
example scene setup –
delete objects
b = box width:10 length:25 height:15
rotate b (eulerangles 45 45 45)
for k=1 to 3 do instance b pos:[k*20,0,0] rotation:(eulerangles (k*30) (k*30) (k*30)) wirecolor:(b.wirecolor * 0.5)
the code idea:
fn resetXFormAdvanced node =
InstanceMgr.GetInstances node &insts
tm = node.transform
resetXform node
collapseStack node
for i in insts where i != node do
instancereplace i node
i.transform *= inverse i.objecttransform * (inverse tm * i.transform)
resetXFormAdvanced b
In real life everything is much more complicated. Instanced objects might be children of different parents. But… it will be a different story.
Just a short reply before calling it a day; Collapse in general can keep instancing if you do “Collapse to”. However, that doesn’t work with Xform in the stack. Xforms are added as if the object is a Reference, not an Instance (it places a “divider” in the stack).
Thanks in advance for your code, I’ll have to look into it tomorrow. I can tell you this much though. The case where I would need this is way not complicated. No children involved or anything. Just plain instanced objects.