the easiest way is compare all material properties for identity. but i don’t see the workflow that allows to make identical materials named differently.
i think that the first step must be the grouping of all materials by their identical texture using.
If there was a way to get the material sample as a bitmap, we could have some fun by just comparing the pixels of the bitmap to determine if two materials “look the same”
I was just thinking the same. It may be a naive way, but it could be fun. You could do a material preview render and set a threshold on what rate of pixel difference would be considered as ‘equal’. You could then also look at average difference, maximum local differences, etc.
now all that’s left is to write some awful disgusting hack to get the material preview
Ehy guy, I did not think it was so complicated! 🙁
About the texture path. Usually, when we import some models from some library, we copy all the textures in our network drive (Z: exture for example) . Than, with Colin relink script, we relink all the bitmap.
Sorry, I don’t thave any good suggestion for compare two shader. Unfortunately, my idea to check some shader propertires was wrong
do you think many people have VRay?
my tool found 16 VRayMtl materials and 4 unique.
I did the same thing with standard materials, it’s pretty easy. If you’re interested…