[Closed] req: Change the 3 icons Pivot in Main Toolbar
Hello, i have a stupid question. I want make a shortcut for the pivot changes. The commands are in the MAIN TOOLBAR (use selection center, Use pivot point center and Use trasform coordinate center )
I have tried to search in the CUSTOM INTERFACE -> KEYBOARD -> ALL COMMANDS, but i haven’t fount its
Please, help me!
Another question. for switch to 2, 2.5 and 3D snap toggle. How can create a short cut?
This will do what you want. There are two macroscripts that I have assigned to ; and : one for the transform co-ordinate system and one for the reference co-ordinate system.
macroScript referencecycle category:"JN Scripts" tooltip:"Cycle Reference coordinate system." icon:#("JNmesh",1)
-- Cycle Reference co-ordinate system
-- version 1.0
-- max version 6, 7
-- written by Joshua Newman
-- [www.joshuanewman.net]( http://www.joshuanewman.net/)
-- last updated 01/06/05
-- copyright 2004
-- 01/06/05 tested with Max 7
case getrefcoordsys() of
#object : Toolmode.coordsys #view;
#hybrid : Toolmode.coordsys #screen
#screen : Toolmode.coordsys #world
#world : Toolmode.coordsys #parent
#parent : Toolmode.coordsys #local
#local : Toolmode.coordsys #Gimbal
#gimbal : Toolmode.coordsys #Grid
macroScript coordsyscycle category:"JN Scripts" tooltip:"Cycle Transform coordinate system." icon:#("JNmesh",1)
-- Cycle Transform Co-ordinate system
-- version 1.0
-- max version 6, 7
-- written by Joshua Newman
-- [www.joshuanewman.net]( http://www.joshuanewman.net/)
-- last updated 01/06/05
-- copyright 2004
-- 01/06/05 tested with Max 7
global transformcoordstate
case transformcoordstate of
undefined : (toolmode.pivotcenter();updatetoolbarbuttons();transformcoordstate=2)
1 : (toolmode.pivotcenter();updatetoolbarbuttons();transformcoordstate=2)
2 : (toolmode.selectioncenter();updatetoolbarbuttons();transformcoordstate=3)
3 : (toolmode.transformcenter();updatetoolbarbuttons();transformcoordstate=1)
Very thank’s , but i try to use it but the “Cycle Transform coordinate system” dont work very well:cry: . The “Cycle Transform reference system” is OK!
The webboard has added two spaces in the line highlighted in your picture, in the middle of the word transformcoordinates=2.
remove these and it will work fine.