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[Closed] Replacing one map with another

I can think of several dirty ways to do this, but I wanted to check to see if there’s a simpler way to make this happen.

Say I have 10 noise maps in my scene, and I want to replace them all with gradients. I can run through the scene and find all 10 noises with maxscript, is there a function to then take these and swap them with the new map?

  • Neil
4 Replies

replaceInstances <old_MAXWrapper> <new_MAXWrapper> transferCAs: <bool>

Replaces all instances of the old MAXWrapper with the new MAXWrapper. Old and new MAXWrapper must have the same superclass.

WARNING: Minimal error checking, use with extreme caution.


more specifically

for c in getClassInstances oldclass do
    replaceInstances c (newclass())
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Joined: 11 months ago

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Thanks for the more specific syntax!

  • Neil

Thanks Vojtech, I had forgotten that that function works also on maps (a lot of things really), I’ve used it for objects but not for other stuff.

  • Neil