[Closed] Replace max file using windows.getChildrenHWND
I recently have a project need to replace objects from a max scene,I tried to find a way to do that ,but did not got a solution,I am trying using windows.getChildrenHWND to simulate pressing buttons,my goal is to press ‘All’ and ‘OK’:
but my code does not work:
for child in (windows.getChildrenHWND 0 parent:#max) do
if findstring child[5] "Replace -" !=undefined then
for classN in (windows.getChildrenHWND child[1]) do
if findstring classN[5] "All" !=undefined then
try(windows.sendMessage classN[1] 0) catch()
Any help would be highly appreciate!
I tried ,how can I let the merged object’s position replacing the current one that need to be replaced?For example,if I have 5 objects
below will be replaced,have the same name and same material,but each has different position
object_A_01.pos=[0,0,0] object_A_01.name=“object_A”
object_A_02.pos=[990,0,0] object_A_02.name=“object_A”
object_A_03.pos=[0,990,0] object_A_03.name=“object_A”
object_A_04.pos=[0,0,110] object_A_04.name=“object_A”
below is the need to merged:
object_B.pos=[99,99,99] object_B.name=“object_A”
will replaced by object_B,after I merge object_B,how can I replace them as
via mergeMAXFile function?:curious:
Not sure if it will work in newer versions of max. It would be just great if someone could test
struct ReplaceMaxFileObjects
replaceMtls = true,
fn handleReplace =
local hwnd = DialogMonitorOPS.GetWindowHandle()
if hwnd != undefined do (
local data = windows.getHWNDData hwnd
if data[4] == "#32770" and data[5] == "Replace File" then
local childs = windows.getChildrenHWND data[1]
local editIndex = for i=1 to childs.count where childs[i][4] == "Edit" do exit with i
UIAccessor.SetWindowText childs[editIndex][1] (targetMaxFilePath + targetMaxFilename)
UIAccessor.PressButtonByName hwnd "&Open"
else if matchpattern data[5] pattern:("*" + targetMaxFilename + "*") then
UIAccessor.PressButtonByName hwnd "&All"
UIAccessor.PressButtonByName hwnd "OK"
else if data[4] == "#32770" and data[5] == "3ds Max" do
local childs = windows.getChildrenHWND data[1]
if childs[4][5] == "Do You Want to Replace Materials along with Objects?" do
if replaceMtls then UIAccessor.PressButton childs[1][1] else UIAccessor.PressButton childs[2][1]
fn Replace filepath = if isMaxFile filepath do
targetMaxFilename = filenameFromPath filepath
targetMaxFilePath = getFilenamePath filepath
DialogMonitorOPS.UnRegisterNotification id:#handleReplace
DialogMonitorOPS.RegisterNotification handleReplace id:#handleReplace
DialogMonitorOPS.enabled = true
actionMan.executeAction 0 "40245" -- File: File Replace
DialogMonitorOPS.enabled = false
DialogMonitorOPS.UnRegisterNotification id:#handleReplace
replaceDialog = ReplaceMaxFileObjects replaceMtls:false
replaceDialog.replace @"C:\Users\User\Documents\3dsmax\scenes estfile.max"