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[Closed] reorganize multi/sub material ID's


I’m a bad programmer so I need your help

I have a multi/sub material, with all the material ID in mess (1 2 6 45 etc…)

I want to reorganize the ID’s (1 2 3 4 5, etc)

I need to get the current sub-material ID (for example, a material called “toto”, with the ID at 7), select faces by ID, assign a new ID (for example 1), and change the material ID of “toto” from 7 to 1. And this, in order, for all the sub-materials.

Thanks for putting me on the right way, and sorry for my ugly english :shrug:

I’have some knowledges in mel, but maxscript is new to me

1 Reply

Ok, I’ve found maxscript from blurstudios which works pretty well.