[Closed] rendertime instancing
I examined a maxscript referance example with prerender callback and based on it wrote a simple script:
macroScript RenderSwapOn category:"kojak How To"
callbacks.removescripts id:#koj_renderswap
txt = "myT = selection[1]
txt += "myT.renderable = false
txt += "myT.name = \"mySourceName\"
--txt += "myT.ishidden = true
txt += "mySel = selection
txt += "for i = 2 to mySel.count do (
txt += "sourceTrans = mySel[i].transform
txt += "sourceMat = mySel[i].material
txt += "mySel[i].renderable = false
txt += "newT = instance myT
txt += "newT.name = \"myRenderTarget\"
txt += "newT.ishidden = true
txt += "newT.material = sourceMat
txt += "newT.renderable = true
txt += "newT.transform = sourceTrans
txt += ")
callbacks.addscript #prerender txt id:#koj_renderswap
txt = "delete $myRenderTarget*"
callbacks.addscript #postrender txt id:#koj_renderswap
which copies given object to proxies at rendertime and deletes them after rendering.
The problem is in it’s performance. When object count gets large the script becomes painfully slow what is normal because it does nothing extraordinary just ensures that the copies don’t clutter the viewport.
Can I do anything to make this faster?
Is it the case where SDK should be used? For thousands of objects?
Is it possible for MAX to read the geometry from disk and not load it into memory.
I know about vray proxies and true instances but it’s not the case.
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