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[Closed] Render To Texture with Maxscrip

Hey all, im trying to make an interface that does a render to texture of the diffuse channel, specifying the size, output dir, output file type etc. I have looked in the help under RTT_Methods but am now more confused than when I started. Can anyone give me a bit of a starting point to the RTT interface and how to do it. Cheers!!!

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4 Replies

It took me a while to figure this out also. For some time I just thought it couldn’t be done, but after staring at the help docs long enough, and a bit of trial and error, I got it working.

The two interfaces you want to look at are INodeBakeProperties and INodeBakeProjProperties. Plus, take a look at the Macro_BakeTextures.mcr file (if you’re feeling brave).

Here’s a sample script to render the diffuse channel from one object to another:

-- add project modifier and projection objects
 fn addProjMod lowResObj highResObjs cageOffset =
 	modMode = getCommandPanelTaskMode()
 	setCommandPanelTaskMode #modify
 	projMod = projection()
 	addModifier lowResObj projMod
 	for obj in highResObjs do
 		projMod.addObjectNode obj
 	projMod.pushCage cageOffset
 	projMod.displayCage = true = "ProjMod"
 	setCommandPanelTaskMode modMode
 -- set up the objects
 theObj = sphere radius:50 segs:32 mapcoords:on
 theProjObj = sphere radius:50.5 segs:32 mapcoords:on
 theProjObj.material = standard diffuseMap:(Perlin_Marble ())
 -- define variables
 renderSize = 512
 fileName = + "_Diffuse.tif"
 filePath = "c:\\" + diff.filename
 -- the bake object needs to be selected	
 select theObj
 -- set up the bake interfaces
 bakeProps = theObj.INodeBakeProperties
 bakeProjProps = theObj.INodeBakeProjProperties
 --  add diffuse element
 diff = DiffuseMap()
 bakeProps.addBakeElement diff
 -- file name
 diff.filename = fileName
 diff.filetype = filePath
 -- map size
 diff.outputSzX = renderSize
 diff.outputSzY = renderSize
 diff.enabled = true
 --  projection
 bakeProjProps.enabled = true
 bakeProjProps.projectionMod = (addProjMod theObj #(theProjObj) 1)
 --  open and close RTT "Render" "BakeDialog"
 destroyDialog gTextureBakeDialog
 -- do the render
 curBM = bitmap renderSize renderSize
 render rendertype:#bakeSelected frame:0 to:curBM vfb:true cancelled:&wasCanceled
 close curBM
 -- display the diffuse map
 display (openBitMap filePath)

Cheers for that. It works great, only it always saves the element as 640×480, not the specified 1024×1024. It renders as 1024×1024 but only saves the top left 640×480 segement of it.
Im using vray and the VRay_DiffuseFilterMap() Element and im setting the element size, and the curBM (bitmap) size and even the render() size all with the same property (1024)

It seems that if i choose .exr as an output format it will only save a 640×480 segment of the render, while using .tiff will save the whole 1024×1024 image. Weird

Have you seen this thread?

Look towards the end where he talks about the difference between rendering directly to the bitmap versus copying the result to a new bitmap and then saving that one. That might help with this issue too.