[Closed] render out GIF animation
Right, I am again and have problem with current project. Client request of a GIF icon animation for every model, that will takes us time to save. Although we get workflow to get GIF with a render sequence script and then run a Photoshop script to combine them in GIF, but it is still too complicated and waste time.
So I wonder if there s any way to make GIF directlly from 3DSMax with script, that will be a great help
Thanks for any helps
I dont think I understand 100%, but couldn’t you render a gif/bmp/targa sequence from max then use After Effects or a composoting program to create the animated gif?
Yes I know we could do image sequence and make comp with any apps you like. As I mentioned above, we already have a max script for this animation export sequence and a photoshop script for automatically create GIF from sequence.
But now I want to simplize more,just one click from 3DSMax and we get animated GIF
yeah, I don’t think you can render straight to animated gif. You could download one of many command-line utilities to turn a sequence of images into one; you could specify that utility as part of a postRender script, for example.
I am thinking about it right now. Do you know any command line tool allow us convert sequence to GIF. I have spent more than 1 hour and find out many but all is licensed. I just need a small application like a freeware
looks like the search terms involved here are indeed far too popular… also, it saddens me that back in the day there used to be 2, maybe 3, tools for a given task… and they would be the best choices overall. Now I’m seeing dozens of craptacular ‘animated gif’ utilities with priceranges that are way out of line for that type of utility. But that’s my 2cts on that.
Here’s a command-line “assemble .gif files into animated gif” utility:
You’ll still need to convert output to gif first (removed from max looooooong ago), but for that there’s definitely tons of utilities; I’d use my already-installed irfanView, for example.
There is always:
One of the finest open-source command line image editing tools. The only things that are really crap are the resizing and rotation commands, as there is no bicubic filtering (as in Photoshop) so images treated in this way come out slightly blurred.
Apart from that I can really recommend imagemagick.
Hi Dunklezahn,
I really want to try this image library because it reads RLA/RPF. i’ve been trying to compile the .net wrapper for imagemagick and im srtuggling to get it recognised within visual studio. can you advise on how you got it working. ive installed the imagemagick exe, ran the batch file and added a reference to the net dll in VS but im still coming up with exceptions. perhaps im missing something but the C++ description on codeproject makes my eyes go a bit funny! cheers! Pete
Thanks ,the imagemagik seem promising. The fact I doesnt need any special compositing, just a GIF of 15 frame after by after.
Now just see how could I handle with writing batch file from 3DSMax …maybe I will disturb community again with some stupid question