[Closed] Render Manipulation
I have to manipulate a render with script. My task is to place a text above the render , a title or such.
My idea was to create a camera from the viewport if none was present and then to create a text spline and position it so that it faces that camera.
Is this the right approach ?
Now i was wondering how i could orient the rotation of my text to the rotation of that camera so that it would face it. I’ve tried obj.transform = cam.transform but that places it exactly over it. Is there a way to just apply it to the rotation ?
Seconds, is there a way to exclude the created text from al the rendering effects and just render it as in the viewport ( no shadows, materials just the selected color)
To make the text face the camera, how about a lookat constraint?
look = lookat_constraint upnode_world:false pickupNode:$Camera01
upnode_axis:0 target_axis:2
$Text01.rotation.controller = look
$Text01.rotation.controller.appendtarget $Camera01 100
- Michele
Thanks, ive looked into the constrains but i opted for the orient constraint
constraint = Orientation_Constraint ()
obj.rotation.controller = constraint
constraint.appendTarget cam 100
Would you have any ideas on other methods to achieve what i descriped above ?
As regards the rendering properties, the only way I know of is to exclude individual rendering properties from that object. You can find these in the General Node Properties topic, near the end under Rendering Related Properties:
$Text01.castShadows = false
$Text01.receiveShadows = false
and so forth.
- Michele