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[Closed] rendUseNet

the good old sledgeammer when a normal hammer is needed. If you follow through the code you might find it is easier than you think!


I have a rollout window which has these options:
checkbox for saving file
browse file button
checkbox for netrender
render button

I want to let the user control these options on the window and then send the job to the network. It doesn’t matter if the “network job assignment window” opens.

Any suggestions?

You probably need to use some if statements for each checkbox and any options related to them. For example, enabling the file browser button only if the save file checkbox is enabled:

If cb_saveFile.checked then
	 btn_fileBrowse.enabled = true
	 btn_fileBrowse.enabled = false

Or setting the netrender command based on the netrender checkbox:

render netrender:cb_netRender.checked

I can’t help beyond that without the full code, because otherwise I would have to guess at every step and that isn’t worth my time. It would be best to create a new thread if you want help on your code.


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