[Closed] remove MAxTrix from my scene????
I’m taking over a scene here and the person before me installed a script called MAxTRIX. Is there a way of removing this script from my scene? The thing is, he did it from his machine and his machine is now gone. Does this mean that the script is permanently embedded in my scene?
Thanks for any tips,
In general, scripts don’t live in scenes. It is possible to make one that is stored in the scene, but as far as I can remember, MAxTRIX does not live in the scene. The only thing added to the scene is a trackview node containing some curves to control the rendering, and some data gets embedded in the camera to be able to restore the last settings when running the script, if the script is installed.
The script itself is a MacroScript, so it would live in the \ui\usermacros folder of your system if installed, or wouldn’t even be there if you never installed it. The scene itself should open and work without the script.
So the question is, in what way does MAxTRIX affect your scene? What exactly are you trying to remove?
Any amount of details you can share will help with the solution of your problem…