[Closed] refine bone
I have two point dummies in the scene. I calculate the distance between them and i create a bone. That distance is the length on the bone.
Now, I know the length of the bone, let’s say bone01.length = 3 and i need to refine this bone01 in three new bones. Basically to have 3 bones instead of one in the original length.
bone01.length = 1
bone02.length = 1
bone03.length = 1
i searched in the max help about the bone system and i didn’t find so much info:
<boolean>BoneSys.refineBone() – Enables the Refine Bone mode.
Does anyone know how to make this divide/refine ?
Thank you!
refine process expects that you already have some bone system and want to split some bone on two.
is it really what you need?
it’s easier to make a new two (three) bone system than refine the existing one bone system. (especially if IK is involved)
mxs doesn’t provide Refine Bone method as a maxscript function. You only can go in “Refine bone” mode and use User interface to do the job.
Thank you Denis for the details.
i solve it out in a way, maybe a bit too complex. Between the points i created a spline shape, divided the segment of the shape and use a spline ik to create helpers on the vertex position.Then i deleted the shape and i used the dummies pos to create de bones.
BTW: it is there a way, when i create the dummies with the spline ik control, to have another name then the automatic way Point001, Point002 etc? I already have in the scene objects named Point and it is a little hard to collect them as array.
thank you for idea actually. I’ve added the “refinebone <bone> <param>” method to my max script sdk extension.