Clear all

[Closed] readline textfile to array

If you select x amount of items in the list on the left and move them to the right and then hit the “X” clear button. Then click the “<” arrow. It will populate the right list with the objects you just removed from it.

It should not do anything.

check it out.

 try(destroyDialog ::rltest)catch()
 rollout rltest "test"
 	fn fnListControls oldLst newLst oldArr newArr = ( -- add Objects to list
 		local currSel = oldLst.selection
 		for i = oldLst.items.count to 1 by -1 where currSel[i] do (appendIfUnique newArr oldLst.items[i])
 		newLst.items = sort newArr
 		for i = oldLst.items.count to 1 by -1 where currSel[i] do (deleteItem oldArr i)
 		oldLst.items = for i in oldArr collect i -- update list with array
 		oldLst.selection = #{}
 	fn fnClearBlackList newList newArr oldList oldArr = -- Clear Blacklist
 		for itm in oldArr do appendIfUnique newArr itm
 		newList.items = sort newArr
 		oldArr = #()
 		oldList.items = oldArr
 	local whiteListedArr = #("Render01","Render02","Render03","Render04","Render05","Render06")
 	local blackListedArr = #()
 	MultiListBox mlbWhiteSlaves "Whitelisted Slaves:" items:whiteListedArr pos:[5,5] width:130 height:12
 	MultiListBox mlbBlackSlaves "Blacklisted Slaves:" pos:[167,5] width:130 height:12
 	button btnMoveToKT ">" height:30 width:30 pos:[136,22]
 	button btnRemoveFromKT "<" height:30 width:30 pos:[136,54]
 	button btnClearKT "X" height:30 width:30 pos:[136,86]
 	on btnMoveToKT pressed do
 		fnListControls mlbWhiteSlaves mlbBlackSlaves whiteListedArr blackListedArr
 	on btnRemoveFromKT pressed do 
 		fnListControls mlbBlackSlaves mlbWhiteSlaves blackListedArr whiteListedArr
 	on btnClearKT pressed do 
 		fnClearBlackList mlbWhiteSlaves whiteListedArr mlbBlackSlaves blackListedArr
 createDialog rltest 300 190
5 Replies

In regards to the previous post about reading from a text file and appending each line to an array. Just swap the “c:/testtext.txt” string with the location of your file:

theFile = openfile "c:/testtext.txt"
txtArray = #()
if openfile != undefined then
	while not eof theFile do
		append txtArray (readline theFile)
	close theFile

I believe you need to pass the array to the function as a reference. The following works for me:

 try(destroyDialog ::rltest)catch()
 rollout rltest "test"
 	fn fnListControls oldLst newLst oldArr newArr = ( -- add Objects to list
 		local currSel = oldLst.selection
 		for i = oldLst.items.count to 1 by -1 where currSel[i] do (appendIfUnique newArr oldLst.items[i])
 		newLst.items = sort newArr
 		for i = oldLst.items.count to 1 by -1 where currSel[i] do (deleteItem oldArr i)
 		oldLst.items = for i in oldArr collect i -- update list with array
 		oldLst.selection = #{}
 	fn fnClearBlackList newList newArr oldList &oldArr = -- Clear Blacklist
 		for itm in oldArr do appendIfUnique newArr itm
 		newList.items = sort newArr
 		oldArr = #()
 		oldList.items = oldArr
 	local whiteListedArr = #("Render01","Render02","Render03","Render04","Render05","Render06")
 	local blackListedArr = #()
 	MultiListBox mlbWhiteSlaves "Whitelisted Slaves:" items:whiteListedArr pos:[5,5] width:130 height:12
 	MultiListBox mlbBlackSlaves "Blacklisted Slaves:" pos:[167,5] width:130 height:12
 	button btnMoveToKT ">" height:30 width:30 pos:[136,22]
 	button btnRemoveFromKT "<" height:30 width:30 pos:[136,54]
 	button btnClearKT "X" height:30 width:30 pos:[136,86]
 	on btnMoveToKT pressed do
 		fnListControls mlbWhiteSlaves mlbBlackSlaves whiteListedArr blackListedArr
 	on btnRemoveFromKT pressed do 
 		fnListControls mlbBlackSlaves mlbWhiteSlaves blackListedArr whiteListedArr
 	on btnClearKT pressed do 
 		fnClearBlackList mlbWhiteSlaves whiteListedArr mlbBlackSlaves &blackListedArr
 createDialog rltest 300 190

I was unaware of the “&”
thank you!

What exactly does “&” do when using it?

It essentially assigns parameters directly to a variable, array, etc. that are passed in the argument list of a function. Look up “By Reference Parameter Passing” in the maxscript help and it will do a much better job explaining it then I could.

Great. Well I really appreciate your help on this. Thanks again.