[Closed] readline textfile to array
If you select x amount of items in the list on the left and move them to the right and then hit the “X” clear button. Then click the “<” arrow. It will populate the right list with the objects you just removed from it.
It should not do anything.
check it out.
try(destroyDialog ::rltest)catch()
rollout rltest "test"
fn fnListControls oldLst newLst oldArr newArr = ( -- add Objects to list
local currSel = oldLst.selection
for i = oldLst.items.count to 1 by -1 where currSel[i] do (appendIfUnique newArr oldLst.items[i])
newLst.items = sort newArr
for i = oldLst.items.count to 1 by -1 where currSel[i] do (deleteItem oldArr i)
oldLst.items = for i in oldArr collect i -- update list with array
oldLst.selection = #{}
fn fnClearBlackList newList newArr oldList oldArr = -- Clear Blacklist
for itm in oldArr do appendIfUnique newArr itm
newList.items = sort newArr
oldArr = #()
oldList.items = oldArr
local whiteListedArr = #("Render01","Render02","Render03","Render04","Render05","Render06")
local blackListedArr = #()
MultiListBox mlbWhiteSlaves "Whitelisted Slaves:" items:whiteListedArr pos:[5,5] width:130 height:12
MultiListBox mlbBlackSlaves "Blacklisted Slaves:" pos:[167,5] width:130 height:12
button btnMoveToKT ">" height:30 width:30 pos:[136,22]
button btnRemoveFromKT "<" height:30 width:30 pos:[136,54]
button btnClearKT "X" height:30 width:30 pos:[136,86]
on btnMoveToKT pressed do
fnListControls mlbWhiteSlaves mlbBlackSlaves whiteListedArr blackListedArr
on btnRemoveFromKT pressed do
fnListControls mlbBlackSlaves mlbWhiteSlaves blackListedArr whiteListedArr
on btnClearKT pressed do
fnClearBlackList mlbWhiteSlaves whiteListedArr mlbBlackSlaves blackListedArr
createDialog rltest 300 190
In regards to the previous post about reading from a text file and appending each line to an array. Just swap the “c:/testtext.txt” string with the location of your file:
theFile = openfile "c:/testtext.txt"
txtArray = #()
if openfile != undefined then
while not eof theFile do
append txtArray (readline theFile)
close theFile
I believe you need to pass the array to the function as a reference. The following works for me:
try(destroyDialog ::rltest)catch()
rollout rltest "test"
fn fnListControls oldLst newLst oldArr newArr = ( -- add Objects to list
local currSel = oldLst.selection
for i = oldLst.items.count to 1 by -1 where currSel[i] do (appendIfUnique newArr oldLst.items[i])
newLst.items = sort newArr
for i = oldLst.items.count to 1 by -1 where currSel[i] do (deleteItem oldArr i)
oldLst.items = for i in oldArr collect i -- update list with array
oldLst.selection = #{}
fn fnClearBlackList newList newArr oldList &oldArr = -- Clear Blacklist
for itm in oldArr do appendIfUnique newArr itm
newList.items = sort newArr
oldArr = #()
oldList.items = oldArr
local whiteListedArr = #("Render01","Render02","Render03","Render04","Render05","Render06")
local blackListedArr = #()
MultiListBox mlbWhiteSlaves "Whitelisted Slaves:" items:whiteListedArr pos:[5,5] width:130 height:12
MultiListBox mlbBlackSlaves "Blacklisted Slaves:" pos:[167,5] width:130 height:12
button btnMoveToKT ">" height:30 width:30 pos:[136,22]
button btnRemoveFromKT "<" height:30 width:30 pos:[136,54]
button btnClearKT "X" height:30 width:30 pos:[136,86]
on btnMoveToKT pressed do
fnListControls mlbWhiteSlaves mlbBlackSlaves whiteListedArr blackListedArr
on btnRemoveFromKT pressed do
fnListControls mlbBlackSlaves mlbWhiteSlaves blackListedArr whiteListedArr
on btnClearKT pressed do
fnClearBlackList mlbWhiteSlaves whiteListedArr mlbBlackSlaves &blackListedArr
createDialog rltest 300 190
I was unaware of the “&”
thank you!
What exactly does “&” do when using it?
It essentially assigns parameters directly to a variable, array, etc. that are passed in the argument list of a function. Look up “By Reference Parameter Passing” in the maxscript help and it will do a much better job explaining it then I could.