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[Closed] Reading/Checking the CPU ID

Thanks Denis.
Sadly, I found the same error:

– Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: ; position: 3897; line: 88
– Runtime error: dotNet runtime exception: Can’t find the specified module. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

in all these lines:

global ManagementOps = CreateManagementOpsAssembly()

print (ManagementOps.GetProcessorProperties())
ManagementOps.GetProcessorPropertyQualifiers "ProcessorId"
ManagementOps.GetProcessorProperty "ProcessorId"

It’s something with XP64.
I have seen in internet other people with this issue, and they solved it through the “System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher”, but all I try gives me nothing. My knowledge of dotnet is really very few to do it (all I know is what I have learn here last month).

Jorge, what is the “MAC address”? I thought it has something to do with Mac from Apple so I haven’t read anything about.
I know that there is no safe way to protect a MXS, but at least to put some locks. It’s hard to see how your guys change to another company and then see this company doing things with our scripts! In 2003 I didn’t thought about it.

By the way… in Windows7 I found that the ProcessorID is the same for all the new HP computers. Wouldn’t it be better to search for the MotherBoard Serial number?

The MAC Address is an ID of a network interface.

Many protections systems rely on the fact that each network interface is unique.

While there are Network cards or plug & play interfaces that you can swap between machines, most motherboard have one or more physical network, so if you know their address you can prevent the script from running in another computer.

You can type “ipconfig /all” in a DOS windows to know all the network interfaces and their MAC.

But you will find in this forum pretty simple and fully implemented solutions to get them from MXS.

Gracias Jorge!

I’m sure MAC Address wil be enougth for my purpose.
Hope I’ll find something here in this forum.

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