[Closed] read from text
How to do it ! I want to write script that i will able to put sentence into field and script will read each letter and in order to sequence proper reaction.
sentence: “Hi everybody”
“H” -> reaction (recognision proper phoneme)
“i” -> reaction
” ” -> reaction
“e” -> reaction
and so forth
reaction i mean proper position of objects in scene, i need this to simulate speach.
Hi Whisky,
Writing a text importer is pretty straight forward, have a look at this thread, Bobo has given plenty of tips for places to start:
as far as writing a text to phoneme (TTS?) decoder, I think you might be biting of a little more than you can chew! why not have a look at all the existing applications for doing this kind of thing, I can recommend Magpie from third wish, although I admit I haven’t lokoed at it for quite a while.