[Closed] rcmenu on button
how do I create an rcmenu when i RMB click over a button?
I could only activate a popupmenu with a LMB click… under the on btn1 pressed do handler,
and popupmenus over an entire rollout using on rollout rbuttondown pos do, i cant find the right keyword for a right click over a specific button inside a rollout… is ther a way to do that?
I’m planning to discover same thing tonight
I think you(and me) should use Andre Hotz’s SkinodDie script as example. He uses a lot of RC menus on that script so…
Good luck!
Oops… I was misunderstanding your question. I thought you was asking about simple RCmenu thing but… Sorry.
no biggie, happens all the time. thanks for the link, i also had a lot to learn from the script that you mentioned.
but i still havent solved this problem… i dont even know if its possible… (in maxscript, anything is possible!)<–
hi galagast,
this has been discussed on the discreet forum before. check out these links:
hOpe this helps,
hmm… i cant seem to connect to the link…
do you recall the topic title? coz i tried searching for “rcmenu” on the webBoards but didnt get any useful info on the topic… ill do some more searches… hehe… thanks by the way!
found it!
i guess i myt just hav look into those activeX controls… I hope that they’d implement somethind like this in the future. thanks again sir ofer_z!
I discovered SkinorDie script last night but I don’t really understand how RC-menu should write… I have checked MAXScript ref also, but just don’t get it. If some one please give me some simple example like “on AAA_btn pressed do…open RCmenu…”.
Tak Tak,
check out this example:
rollout roTest "test"
local rcTest
-- declare the RC Menu to be used later...
-- NOTE: a function is used to create a LOCAL rc menu (otherwise you get an error
-- that a rollout clause is expected,) you could, however, just define the
-- RC Menu outside the rollout scope, in which case you don't need the function.
fn createMenu =
rcMenu rcTest
menuItem miItem1 "Item 1"
menuItem miItem2 "Item 2"
seperator menuSep01
menuItem miItem3 "Item 3"
on miItem1 picked do (print "item 1 picked...")
on miItem2 picked do (print "item 2 picked...")
on miItem3 picked do (print "item 3 picked...")
) -- end of rcTest rcmenu
-- now declare the rollout controlers
button bnMenu "Click here for the menu..." width:150
on bnMenu pressed do (
-- use the popUpMenu command to display the RC Menu we defined earlier...
popUpMenu rcTest pos:(bnMenu.pos + [145,0]) rollout:roTest align:#align_topleft
-- on rollout open we call the createMenu fn to define the local RCMenu
on roTest open do createMenu()
)-- end of roTest rollout
createDialog roTest
hOpe this helps,
hi galagast,
it seems you didn’t find the second link, which i think you’ll find interesting. the topic of that thread is: “New Maxscript Control (check it out).” do a search for that…
Thanks for reply and nice script tutorial ofer_z!!!
I’m sure it will help me. (good comments)