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[Closed] RC Menu

As I said somebody can ofer you a better solution.
My way also work, but again you make one mistake. In my example I use:

fn fnRunScript s e = --Run the selected script 
   				fileIn (".ms")

but you again post a code that use

fn fnRunScript s e = --Run the selected script 



make no sense to have fullPath variable.

I must have overlooked that line.
I’m going see what I can do with this tag property and ill be sure to post it so everyone can use it and see it.

How do i get the popup menu to just show on evaluation of the script. Right now when I evaluate it I have to right click in the dialog?

Because I want to then make it a macro and have it has a hotkey or button in the shelf.


Here is the final code all together and working.

Now do anyone know how I could make this into a macro/hotkey so when you hit the key the RCMenu shows…not the form/dialog?

Right now you have to right click in the dialog for the RCMenu to appear, I want to be able to hit a hotkey or a toolbar button that will make it appear.

   	local fullPath = undefined
   	dir = @"C:\Users\Crabs User\Desktop	estScripts" --//Main Scripts directory
   	dirArray = GetDirectories (dir+"/*") --//Get subfolders in directory
   	foldersArray = for d in dirArray collect (trimright (filenameFromPath d) "\\") --//Array which stores just the names of the subfolders
   	form = dotnetobject "MaxCustomControls.Maxform"
   	form.Text = "Dynamic ContextMenu"
   	cm = dotNetObject "ContextMenu"
   	form.ContextMenu = cm
   	for i in foldersArray do
   		item = cm.menuitems.add i = i
   	fn onPopup s e = 
   		for b = 1 to foldersArray.count do
   			i = (s.menuitems.Find (foldersArray[b] as string) off)[1]
   			sFiles = #()
   			sFiles = getFiles (dirArray[b] + "*.ms*")
  			fn fnRunScript s e = --Run the selected script 
				fileIn (s.tag)
  			if sFiles.count > 0 then --//Add the scripts to appropriate list
  				for n in sFiles do
  					scriptName = getFIleNameFile n
  					item = i.menuitems.add scriptName = scriptName
					item.tag = n -- variable "n" contains the fullpath extention
  					dotnet.addEventHandler item "Click" fnRunScript
   				item = i.menuitems.add "No Scripts"
   				item.enabled = off
   	dotnet.addEventHandler cm "Popup" onPopup

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 macroscript Popup_Menu category:"denisT" buttonText:"DRC" tooltip:"Popup RC"
 	 local form = dotnetobject "MaxCustomControls.Maxform"
 	form.ShowInTaskbar = off
 	form.FormBorderStyle = form.FormBorderStyle.None
 	form.AllowTransparency = on
 	form.Opacity = 0
 --	form.TransparencyKey = form.Backcolor
 	form.StartPosition = form.StartPosition.Manual
 	form.Size = Form.MinimumSize
 	form.Location = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Point" 500 300
 	local cm = dotNetObject "ContextMenu"
 	local i = cm.menuitems.Add "Create"
 		i.menuitems.Add "Box"
 		i.menuitems.Add "Sphere"
 		i.menuitems.Add "Cone"		
 	form.ContextMenu = cm
 	   fn onCollapse s e = 
 --		s.SourceControl.Dispose()
 	   dotnet.addEventHandler cm "Collapse" onCollapse
 	fn onShown s e =
 		s.ContextMenu.Show s (dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Point" 0 0)
 	   dotnet.addEventHandler form "Shown" onShown
 	local opened = off
 	on isChecked do return opened
 	on isEnabled do return (not opened)
 	on execute do
 		opened = not opened
 		if opened do 
 			opened = off
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