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[Closed] Ray Direction


I want to find the face intersected with the ray of positive X axis of an object, But the parameter “dir” of ClosestFace function doesn’t work as expected and near face at any direction will return.

delete objects
Obj = point wirecolor:yellow \
centermarker:off axistripod:on cross:off box:off constantscreensize:off drawontop:off
Target = box pos:[0,0,-10] height:50 width:200 length:20 wirecolor:blue
TheRay = MeshProjIntersect()
TheRay.setNode Target
TheRay.ClosestFace dir:[1,0,0] doubleSided:true
HitPos = TheRay.getHitPos()
point pos:HitPos wirecolor:green \
centermarker:off axistripod:off cross:on box:off constantscreensize:off drawontop:off

Any idea?

1 Reply

After the HitPos is found check if it is in positive X axis of the object.

if (HitPos * Target.transform).x > 0 then "posotive X" else "negative x"