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[Closed] Quick syntax check

Hi sorry for the noobish-ness

I was trying out a simple if condition to test if my object had a certain controller. but i keep getting undefined…

if $.rotation.controller == Euler_XYZ do print "it has it"

-- returns  undefined

x = $.rotation.controller as string
y = "Controller:Euler_XYZ"
if x == y do print "see? theyere the same"

-- returns  "see? theyere the same"

Why is this happening? the selected object’s rotation controller IS in fact Euler XYZ, but why am I getting an undefined result? in the latter example, after just turning them into strings I’m getting the correct output.
How do I correct the syntax in the first if line?

1 Reply

nvm, came across a pre 2010 post that the if is missing a classof statement