[Closed] Quick custom attributes question
I swear I’ve done this before, but it’s been a while and now I can’t seem to find it anywhere.
I have added a rollout with a slider to one of the objects in my scene via custom attributes, and it works fine. Now, I want to add the /same/ rollout to another object. I had /thought/ that simply doing it like this would work:
box01 = box name:"Box01"
box02 = box name:"Box02" pos:[50,0,0]
CA_Box = attributes attr
parameters params_Box rollout:RO_Box
param_Size type:#float animatable:on ui:slider_Size default:25
rollout RO_Box "Box Size"
slider slider_Size "Size" range:[10,40,25]
on slider_Size changed val do
for b in #(box01, box02) do b.height = b.length = b.width = val
) -- end rollout
custAttributes.add box01 CA_Box
custAttributes.add box02 CA_Box
Now, moving the slider on either of the boxes will change the size of both boxes, as the script would indicate. HOWEVER, if you move the slider on one box and then click on the other, the slider values are different. I want the sliders to be more like “instances”, whereas now they are “copies”.
What do I need to add and/or change in order to get this to work?
custAttributes.add box01 (createInstance CA_Box name:"CA_Box")
custAttributes.add box02 (createInstance CA_Box name:"CA_Box")
not tested but it is something like this.
Tested it, got the following:
-- Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: C:\Users\Malkalypse\Desktop\IKFK_Rig\; position: 492; line: 25
-- Type error: custAttributes.add requires MSCustAttribDef, got: attr:attr
-- Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: C:\Users\Malkalypse\Desktop\IKFK_Rig\; position: 527; line: 26
-- Type error: custAttributes.add requires MSCustAttribDef, got: attr:attr
Looking in the documentation, I don’t see anything indicating that createInstance can be used for anything besides geometry…
Yes you can.
appendifunique box01.custAttributes (createInstance CA_Box name:"CA_Box")
-- or on the baseobject
appendifunique box01.baseobject.custAttributes (createInstance CA_Box name:"CA_Box")
I get exactly the same results from that that I get from using custAttributes.add
That worked for the example I posted here, but for some reason it’s not working when I try to apply it to the scene I’m working on. I guess one of the other functions I have running must be getting in the way… ><
Thanks for the help though!
The link is only bi-directional for the selected box so you need to change the param_Size of the other box as well as its L,W,H.
box01 = box name:"Box01"
box02 = box name:"Box02" pos:[50,0,0]
CA_Box = attributes attr
parameters params_Box rollout:RO_Box
param_Size type:#float animatable:on default:25 ui:slider_Size
rollout RO_Box "Box Size"
slider slider_Size "Size" range:[10,40,25]
on slider_Size changed val do
for b in #(box01, box02) do b.height = b.length = b.width = b.param_Size = val
) -- end rollout
custAttributes.add box01 CA_Box
custAttributes.add box02 CA_Box
here is how to add the same instance of a CA to multiple nodes:
attr = attributes attr
parameters params rollout:params
value type:#float ui:ui_value
rollout params "Parameters"
slider ui_value width:150
delete objects
b0 = box pos:[15,0,0] wirecolor:red
b1 = box pos:[-15,0,0] wirecolor:blue
a = createinstance attr
append b0.baseobject.custattributes a
append b1.baseobject.custattributes a
Hey Denis, thanks for the help once again x)
Now that I actually see it, it makes perfect sense!
EDIT: And more importantly than making sense, it actually works