Hi Eric,
if you need somewhere to put them until the BlurBeta site is back, let me know.
Hi Eric,
I love where you guys are headed with this, currently I’m using A LOT of COM to get max talking to the rest of our pipeline, consequently anything that gets me away from COM I am very interested in!
The OOP example you showed below is very exciting, I can think of a dozen scripts and tools that i have written that would immedieatly benifit from this… Nice work, and I can not wait to try the dll’s when blurbeta is back up.
Same here, just about to start writting the python portion of the tool that I have been working on.
Cool, thanks for the support for the use of these DLL’s, I can take this to my supervisor and use it to really push for the beta site to be up. I just have to work on some documentation stuff for everyone to use as well. I’ll keep everyone posted, hopefully we’ll get it out there for everyone soon.
I’m on the wait list too… Where would the 3dsmax world be without Blur’s generous contributiion to the 3ds World ? ? ?
I am still trying to get the COM stuff working 100%. It’s hit or miss just on telling max to open a file. Sometimes max will just outright crash, sometime is get:
** system exception **
during OLE automation function call
Othertimes i get pywintypes.com_error: CONNECT_E_NOCONNECTION. I’m not sure if I am missing something or what:
m = win32com.client.Dispatch("MAX.Application.8")
except pywintypes.com_error, e:
print e[1]
Hi Brett,
I just did a quick test and had no problems,
>>> obj = win32com.client.Dispatch("MAX.Application.9")
>>> obj._FlagAsMethod("loadmaxfile")
>>> obj.loadmaxfile("C:\\TestMax_1.max")
I would suggest double checking that “loadmaxfile” was registered as a OLE interface in max,
registerOLEInterface #(loadmaxfile)
In general though I have not had many problems with python to max, I do occasionally get errors going the other way (max to python). Although I have not used COM with max 8 in a while.
Let me know how you go…
The obj.DoSomething(“Box()”) threw me. I had to use conn.DoSomething((“Box”))… Maybe this is obvious, but I thought others might have had similar problems.
I agree with RustyKnight, who knows how many times a simple mistake has caused me greif!
Nice catch I cant believe I did not see that before I posted it up! I hope that did not cause anyone problems…