[Closed] Put Material to Scene
I am writing a script and I need to ‘extract’ a material from a VRayMtlWrapper and put the material back to the scene. In a nutshell I want to replace the VRayMtlWrapper with its ‘.BaseMtl’
I can manipulate the material without any problems but I cannot update the scene materials with my edited version. A work around would be to assign all the objects my new material but if I could find a way to access the ‘Put Material To Scene’ button it would make life a lot easier.
Anyone have any ideas?
Why not loop through the scene objects, if the .material of the object is the VrayMtlWrapper then assign the BaseMtl as the material?
Hey that is an option but the script is intended for some quite heavy scenes and I want to make this as fast as possible. It just seems like an awful lot more processing than is needed. I might resort to this if there is no other way
I have worked out how to do it!
I am not sure it is the best method but if anyone else gets stuck in the future hopefully this might help.
I used the replace instances command
replaceInstances[font=Courier New] [/font]
replaceInstances sceneMaterials[x] MyMaterial
Seems to work great