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[Closed] Pulley system using solvers… etc

Blue –

Well, I needed help. I wasn’t going to just sit around and press buttons in Max and not get the results I wanted/needed. I wouldnt learn ANYTHING that way. Better to ask questions and get answers than not post at all.

Blizzard … mmmmmmmm. Gaming. GAH! I miss gaming.

EDIT: Lost my mind.

I was just making an observation, not judging. How did the project turn out?

I know.

Gotta render out the frames … probably gonna do that in sexah VRay. Just for fun. Ill post an animation once it is finished for crits.

Thanks again! Without the responses on here, Id be TOAST!

Sadly, I couldn’t use VRay to render out this weidr animation. But, at least it is done. There are a few spots that for some reason are jumpy. 0_o …

I rendered these frames out as .tga and imported them into Premiere Pro 2.0 … added sound … and the frames are jumpy. Not sure why. It was smooth when I watched it in Max. Figures. I took a lot of time creating smooth swings on the rope. sigh

300 * 400, Quicktime with MPEG-4 compression … it is what the teacher wanted.

Here is what I came up with :\ Not as good (looking wise) as I hoped.

Pulley system

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