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[Closed] ProOptimizer.VertexCount not updating
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Feb 28, 2018 10:20 pm
Converting to mesh is working perfectly, I don’t care about preserving the stack since ultimately I’m exporting this as an FBX anyway. Unfortunately I can’t use BatchProOptimizer because of how I’m calculating the optimization for each object. Forcing redraw seems fairly slow however, is there any alternative I can use that will force the updated vertex count to take that is faster?
Feb 28, 2018 10:20 pm
You could try with (classof $) instead of redrawing.
Also turn off the whole app redrawing, hide the nodes.
Selecting the object also does take a lot of time when in Modify Panel. But it seems it is required to make the modifier work.
fn Decimate obj count = with redraw off with undo off
select obj
mdf = prooptimizer()
addmodifier obj mdf
mdf.calculate = on
classof obj /* instead of completeredraw() */
mdf.vertexcount = count
converttomesh obj
windows.sendmessage (windows.getMAXHWND()) WM_SETREDRAW 0 0 /* redraw off */
delete objects
max modify mode
nodes = for j = 1 to 100 collect teapot pos:[j*80,0,0] wirecolor:green
hide nodes /* Hide nodes (not sure if it will have a big impact */
st=timestamp(); sh=heapfree
for j in nodes do Decimate j 64
format "time:% heap:%
" (timestamp()-st) (sh-heapfree)
unhide nodes
windows.sendmessage (windows.getMAXHWND()) WM_SETREDRAW 1 0 /* redraw on */
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