[Closed] progressive morpher via maxscript…?
hey guys, I’m trying something in maxscript but i don’t even know how to approach it, let’s see if i can explain what I’m trying to do…:
let’s say I have object “A” with a morpher modifier on it.
now I have 2 more objects “B_100” and “B_050”
how can I load those 2 objects into the morpher automatically, being B_100 in a channel, and B_050 in the same channel as a progressive morpher with the target% at 50? so far I managed to load them but each of them in its own channel when what I want is load the objects with the same name in the same channel and adjust their target% using the sufix i’m giving in the name…
any help really appreciated! thanks!
You should look into morpher’s WM3_AddProgressiveMorphNode and WM3_SetProgressiveMorphWeight for how to add progressive morphs and set their weights.
If you follow a strict naming rule of having the percentage digit the last element in the name, you could get the weight from the name very simply:
exampleName = "someNameMT_066"
filteredNameArr = filterString exampleName "_"
MTweight = filteredNameArr[filteredNameArr.count] as float
To figure out which names end with a number, I’d probably do something dirty, like test MTweight above for undefined. Nonsense like “potato” as float returns undefined. Perhaps someone else has a more elegant solution to this bit.
Afterwards you can figure out which objects have similar names by using matchPattern.
I thought I remember something being weird about progressive morphs, so later I came back to test it a little. Yeah, there’s a catch… You can’t add MTs to a channel using WM3_AddProgressiveMorphNode if you don’t have a target there already. So that part needs a workaround.
Here’s a little quick and dirty code scrap of one way to do it:
(select the morph object(s) and morph targets, then run the script)
undo on
local morpherArr = #()
local directMTarr = #()
local progMTarr = #()
local progMTarr_nameArr = #()
morpherArr = for obj in selection where obj.modifiers[#morpher] != undefined collect obj.modifiers[#morpher]
deselect (for obj in selection where obj.modifiers[#morpher] != undefined collect obj) -- deselect objects with morpher; for convenience
-- dividing direct and progressive MTs into different arrays
local filteredNameArr, MTweight, nameSansNum
for obj in selection do
filteredNameArr = filterString obj.name "_ -"
MTweight = undefined
MTweight = filteredNameArr[filteredNameArr.count] as float
if MTweight != undefined then
-- getting the name without number and without last delimiter character:
nameSansNum = substring obj.name 1 (obj.name.count - filteredNameArr[filteredNameArr.count].count - 1)
append progMTarr #(obj, MTweight, nameSansNum) -- two-dimensional array, containing objects, weights and names_minus_number
appendifunique progMTarr_nameArr nameSansNum -- for convenience, an array of unique names only
else append directMTarr obj
-- go through every collected morpher and add targets; no foolproofing included, will *mostly* silently fail if not valid
for MP in morpherArr do
local id = 1 -- keeping track of which channel we're modifying
-- first adding direct morh targets
for mt in directMTarr do
WM3_MC_BuildFromNode MP id mt
id += 1
-- ...now the progressive mess
local isFirstPMT = true
local tempFirstPMT
for pmtName in progMTarr_nameArr do
isFirstPMT = true
WM3_MC_SetName MP id pmtName
for pmt in progMTarr where pmt[3] == pmtName do
if isFirstPMT then
-- WM3_AddProgressiveMorphNode doesn't work on empty channel
-- can't set weight if one target exists, either, so:
-- adding first MT the regular way...
WM3_MC_BuildFromNode MP id pmt[1]
tempFirstPMT = pmt -- ...storing the entry for later use...
isFirstPMT = false
WM3_AddProgressiveMorphNode MP id pmt[1]
WM3_SetProgressiveMorphWeight MP id pmt[1] pmt[2]
-- ...returning to it after we're done with the others and setting the weight
WM3_SetProgressiveMorphWeight MP id tempFirstPMT[1] tempFirstPMT[2]
-- (could skip this part with a sorted array and if there's always a 100% target)
id += 1
(Obviously needs some fool-proofing, error checking, dividing neatly into functions, and changing the way morpher object and MT objects are designated (so it works when the MT has a morpher on it), but the basic idea is here, perhaps it’s of some help to you.)