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[Closed] progBar.value

excuse me,I have 2 doubts,i need some help,
Question 1:

the” progressBar ** _progBar “

The processing the“ ** _progBar.value =? ”

how can be defined as:

**_progBar.value = the current whole script or part of a script processed value ?

It can automatically displays the process value.

in my silly way:



but is my manually add is feeling so silly … i need an automatically displays the process value.

how can i do?

Question 2:

i want to put the max common parameters – render output size “width” / “height” and “image aspect lock” to my scirpt tools Panel.
how can i do?

My English is not so good, I spent a long time to write this post.
can anyone got any tips for me? thanks somuch!

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I used a Radiobutton in a script which only need a few settings

case rdoSize.state of
    1: [renderWidth = 1920, renderHeight = 1080]
    2: [renderWidth = 1280, renderHeight = 720]
    3: [renderWidth = 720, renderHeight = 576]
    4: [renderWidth = 240, renderHeight = 192]

I hope this helps.
The rest will need to come from more experienced macscripters

progress bar always cooperated with a for loop , in this case , a index needed when get each items :

rollout test "test "
	button btTest "bt Test "  
 progressbar pbA ""   
 on btTest pressed do 
   --  make a array for test . normally u may store objects in this array. 
   local aArray = for i in 1 to 1000 collect i 
  --  loop , show progressbar ruler moving . 
  local ArrayCount = aArray.count 
	 for j in 1 to ArrayCount do 
	--  the 100.0 forced the ruler show in float . 
   pbA.value = 100.0 * ( j / ArrayCount ) 
)createdialog test 

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thanks, this is a good Method.

if i want to make some very long script as ” one function “
like: a Section script, a behavior ,or in one time Operations,

instead of calculate how much amount, or how much Material number.
Whether what is the long script is,

and show the progress in running, no like crash.

it can be do?

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Posts: 0

progressBar can not be embed into a function , it defined like a global variable in a rollout container .
If u just want show the progress when function running , why not use “print ” as a alternetive idea .
combined with clearListener () and print command , in result is same .

fn showResult =
– ur code …
– show progress .
theProgress = … as string
clearlistener ()

print theProgress

print is global , u can use it in any place .

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Posts: 0

progressbar control defines as any other rollout control as local to the rollout scope if you don’t do anything special to make it global.
of course any rollout control (including progressbar) can be passed as argument to any function:

  try(destroydialog MacrosRol) catch()
  rollout MacrosRol "Check Macros" width:200
  	button get_bt "Check Macroscripts" width:190 offset:[0,0]
  	progressbar pb width:190 height:9 color:orange offset:[-8,-3]
  	label lb 
  	fn getMacroFiles progressControl: outputControl: = 
  		progressControl.value = 0
  		files = getfiles (getdir #ui + @"\macroscripts\*.mcr")
  		lines = 0
  		for k=1 to files.count do
  			file = files[k]
  			outputControl.text = filenamefrompath file
  			ss = (dotnetclass "System.IO.File").ReadAllLines file
  			lines += ss.count
  			progressControl.value = 100.0 * k / files.count
  		outputControl.text = "files = " + files.count as string + " ( lines = " + lines as string + " )"
  	on get_bt pressed do getMacroFiles progressControl:pb outputControl:lb
  createdialog MacrosRol

cool denisT .

thanks for u correct my mistake . I review the “paremeters” in max script help document , max script trans paremeters as reference mode in default , that is a Pointer .

thanks :bowdown: