[Closed] ProBoolean and it's Undo
here is a simple scene setup for ProBoolean test:
delete objects
a = box()
ProBoolean.SetOperandA a
b = cylinder()
select a
try next step and check undo stack
undo "Add B" on
ProBoolean.SetOperandB a b 2 1
-- undo stack #("Add B")
this is correct
undo all…
now try this:
undo "Add B" on
ProBoolean.SetBoolOp a 4
ProBoolean.SetOperandB a b 2 1
-- undo stack #("Create") ?
it’s a little strange but still OK because one operation in stack.
undo all…
undo "Add B" on
ProBoolean.SetBoolOp a 4
ProBoolean.SetOperandB a b 2 1
ProBoolean.SetOperandSel a 1 on
-- undo stack #("Create", "Edit Values") ??
this is bad, because two operations in stack.
undo all…
undo "Add B" on
ProBoolean.SetBoolOp a 4
ProBoolean.SetOperandB a b 2 1
ProBoolean.SetOperandSel a 0 off
ProBoolean.SetOperandSel a 1 on
-- undo stack #("Create", "Edit Values", "Edit Values") ???
this is very bad…
i have no idea how to defeated this behavior. it tried everything. i’ve played with theHold… it works different but still doesn’t correct.
any ideas?
Not an elegant workaround, but this seems to wrap the whole thing in 1 undo entry.
Basically, add 1 undo context for each SetOperand() entry.
I just tested with your code, perhaps with other operations it works different.
undo on undo on undo on
ProBoolean.SetBoolOp a 4
ProBoolean.SetOperandB a b 2 1
ProBoolean.SetOperandSel a 0 off
ProBoolean.SetOperandSel a 1 on
This also seems to work:
undo on
ProBoolean.SetBoolOp a 4
ProBoolean.SetOperandB a b 2 1
undo off
ProBoolean.SetOperandSel a 0 off
ProBoolean.SetOperandSel a 1 on
Well – it seems serious undo problems are all shared across the whole nPowerTools Products ( where ProBooleans stems from )
Testing the PowerNurbs Demo revealed pretty serious incompleteness regarding undoable operations …
No experience with the scripting part though …
it doesn’t really works:
#1 I want to have only one and my undo title in the stack
#2 undo/redo has toggle between exactly same states
in your solution the undo title is “Create”, and after undo/redo the last operand is not selected as was set in the code
Yes, neither codes keeps the Title in the Undo stack. That’s why I didn’t use it.
Does the first code work? (the one with multiple undo entries)
not exactly right. it makes only one entry in the stack, but the name of it comes from ProBoolean, and after undo/redo it loses operators selection. (it has to keep the last operand selected)
ProBoolean.SetBoolOp a 4
ProBoolean.SetOperandB a b 2 1
ProBoolean.SetOperandSel a 0 off
ProBoolean.SetOperandSel a 1 on
theHold.SuperAccept "Add B"
in theory this has to work, but it doesn’t
ProBoolean.SetBoolOp a 4
ProBoolean.SetOperandB a b 2 1
ProBoolean.SetOperandSel a 0 off
undo "Add B" on ProBoolean.SetOperandSel a 1 on
this is pretty close to what i want, but undo/redo doesn’t work right anyway
This does the same as your second code, it shows the correct label in the Undo Stack. Redo still does not work correctly.
ProBoolean.SetBoolOp a 4
ProBoolean.SetOperandB a b 2 1
ProBoolean.SetOperandSel a 0 off
ProBoolean.SetOperandSel a 1 on
theHold.SuperAccept "Add B"
Ok, a little progress. Ugly but Redo seems to work.
fn GetProBooleanListboxHWND =
getID = uiaccessor.getwindowresourceid
children = windows.getchildrenhwnd #max
-- ID 1042 in Max 2014
for j in children where j[4] == "ListBox" and getID j[1] == 1042 do return j[1]
return undefined
max modify mode
listHWND = GetProBooleanListboxHWND()
if listHWND != undefined then
ProBoolean.SetOperandSel a 0 on
windows.sendMessage listHWND WM_LBUTTONDOWN 0 0
windows.sendMessage listHWND WM_LBUTTONUP 0 0
ProBoolean.SetBoolOp a 4
ProBoolean.SetOperandB a b 2 1
ProBoolean.SetOperandSel a 0 off
ProBoolean.SetOperandSel a 1 on
windows.sendMessage listHWND WM_LBUTTONDOWN 0 0
windows.sendMessage listHWND WM_LBUTTONUP 0 0
theHold.SuperAccept "Add B"
messagebox "No HWND. Do a better job next time"
Perhaps you can get it to work without the Modify Panel opened.
you are following my trail… next step is to hit exactly right item. you are hitting the first
Just checked the ProBooleans Listbox ID is the same (1042) from Max 2011 to 2017.
I don’t understand what you mean.
Isn’t the second models the one that should be selected?
when you send message ‘mouse down/up’ to listbox you simulate mouse click event.
LParam of the message is mouse-click position. in your case it’s 0. that means you click the first item in the list (click position 0,0).
Would you please try the code I posted above. Regardless of the values that needs to be passed in the parameters, it seems to work from Max 2011 to 2017. Trust me, I tested it. (at least with the sample models you proposed for testing)