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[Closed] Problem with Tab controls

Just extending a script to use the active X tab controls for a nicer layout. I got it all working, but the only problem is when I switch tabs I need to destroy the other 4 rollouts like so:

RemoveSubRollout toolsRollout tab4
RemoveSubRollout toolsRollout tab3
RemoveSubRollout toolsRollout tab2
addSubRollout toolsRollout tab1

The only problem is this effectively destroys all the data in the last rollout. Is there a way to preserve this data, but still only display 1 rollout?

Thanks for any help you guys can offer…

3 Replies

You need to save your values in a .ini file

something like:

on MyRollout close do
setINIsetting myINI MySection MyVal1Name Myval1
– etc …

then use on MyRollout open do
MyVal1 = (getINISetting myINI MySection MyVal1Name) as float – (or whatever)

Thanks – works great!

I’m left with one last bug – Basically what I have is the following

 local saveFile
 outputFile = createFile (saveFile)
 on Browse pressed do
 saveFile = getSaveFileName filename:"D:\Projects" types:"txt File (*.txt)|*.txt"
 Gen_Common.Name.text = saveFile
 --user input
 --user input
 --user input
 -- to encapsulate all rollouts

The three rollouts now store and load their data from an INI file.

Inside Rollout1 I have a button that gathers all the info from the fields in the other rollouts and creates a file full of all the information. That seemed to work just fine before I threw the tabs in. Now I get the error:

–Unable to convert: Undefined to type: Filename.

The file name field is populated automatically by loading the string from the ini file – but for some reason it won’t take…

ot seams that the
‘outputFile=createfile savefile’
is called before savefile is defined (so it is undefined)
just move the line in the ‘on Browse’ handler

local saveFile, outputFile

on Browse pressed do
saveFile = getSaveFileName filename:“D:\Projects” types:“txt File (.txt)|.txt”
Gen_Common.Name.text = saveFile
outputFile = createFile (saveFile)
–user input