[Closed] problem with callback and vert selection
I’m trying to make a simple script where, when the checkbutton is activated, the first vert you select while holding shift, it stores the position, and then next vert you select while hold shift moves it to that first position
shift select vert 1 – stores position
shift select vert 2 – moves to vert 1 position
shift select vert 3 – stores position
shift select vert 4 – moves to vert 3 position
I’ve always had problems trying to get callbacks to work in these instances because i don’t know which ones to pick…
And i’m sure this could be done far more efficiently but i’m not sure how… also i have to use mesh for reasons i can’t go into…
here’s what i have so far, help would be appreciated. thanks
global AlignVertCallback
rollout AlignVertCallback "" width:134 height:26
checkButton run "Run" pos:[19,5] width:101 height:16
local MasterPos
local pressed = 1
-- Function for getting vert position
-- ====================================
fn getMeshVert obj =
VertArray = getVertSelection(obj) as array
return( getVert obj VertArray[1] )
-- Function for moving vert position
-- ====================================
fn moveMeshVert obj pos =
VertArray = getVertSelection($) as array
for vert in VertArray do
meshOp.moveVert obj vert pos
-- Function for helping with aligning verts
-- ====================================
fn Select_nMove obj =
if obj != undefined then
if keyboard.SHIFTpressed and subobjectLevel == 1 do
-- first pressed
if pressed == 1 then
MasterPos = ( getMeshVert obj )
pressed = 2
-- second pressed
moveMeshVert obj MasterPos
pressed = 1
-- While loop to make sure button is running.
-- ====================================
on run changed state do
if state == on then
callbacks.addScript #selectionSetChanged "AlignVertCallback.Select_nMove $" id:#SHIFTalignVerts
callbacks.removeScripts id:#SHIFTalignVerts
)-- end rollout
createDialog AlignVertCallback style:#(#style_toolwindow, #style_sysmenu, #style_resizing)
Hi Hobbs,
here is the script you’re asking for. It works in a slightly different way than your request: No callbacks, No SHIFT to press, Preview line of action.
Select an Editable Mesh object, activate it, pick the “first point”, it will then ask for other points to shift on the picked vertex. Click on as many verts as you want to move, then right click to be able to pick another “first point”, or right click again to exit the script. I hope it is what you need.
rollout rolTest "Shift Verts"
-- Rollout local variables -----------------------------------------------------
local MeshObj = undefined
local iVertSource = 0
local iVertTarget = 0
local iClosestVert = 0
local iMeshFace = 0
local iClickNumber = 0
local bShowPickActive = false
local bShowShiftActive = false
-- Rollout interface -----------------------------------------------------------
button btRun "Shift Mesh Verts" width:90 align:#center offset:[0, -2]
-- Functions -------------------------------------------------------------------
function getClosestVert oMesh iMeshFace p3PointOnFace =
local iClosestVert = 0
local fShortestDist = 1e6
local fDist = 0
local baFaceVerts = meshOp.getVertsUsingFace oMesh iMeshFace
for iVert in baFaceVerts do
fDist = distance (getVert oMesh iVert) p3PointOnFace
if (fDist < fShortestDist) then
fShortestDist = fDist
iClosestVert = iVert
return iClosestVert
function doShift oMesh iVertSource iVertTarget =
local p3VertSourcePos = meshOp.getVert oMesh iVertSource
meshop.setVert oMesh iVertTarget p3VertSourcePos
-- Viewport drawing ------------------------------------------------------------
function showPick &oMesh &iVertSource =
gw.setTransform (matrix3 1)
local p3SourcePos = (meshOp.getVert oMesh iVertSource)
gw.marker p3SourcePos #hollowBox color:green
gw.wText [mouse.pos.x +7, mouse.pos.y +20, 0] ("GET") color:green
gw.enlargeUpdateRect #whole
function regShowPick = showPick &MeshObj &iVertSource
function showShift &oMesh &iVertSource &iVertTarget =
gw.setTransform (matrix3 1)
gw.setColor #line white
local p3SourcePos = (meshOp.getVert oMesh iVertSource)
local p3TargetPos = (meshOp.getVert oMesh iVertTarget)
gw.polyLine #(p3SourcePos, p3TargetPos) false --rgb:#(white, white)
gw.marker p3SourcePos #hollowBox color:green
gw.marker p3TargetPos #hollowBox color:red
gw.wText [mouse.pos.x +7, mouse.pos.y +20, 0] ("SET") color:red
gw.enlargeUpdateRect #whole
function regShowShift = showShift &MeshObj &iVertSource &iVertTarget
-- MouseTrack function ---------------------------------------------------------
function doTest msg ir obj faceNum shift ctrl alt =
case msg of
if (iClickNumber == 0) then
if (ir != undefined) then
iVertSource = getClosestVert MeshObj faceNum ir.pos
nodeInvalRect MeshObj
if (bShowPickActive == false) then
registerRedrawViewsCallback regShowPick
bShowPickActive = true
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback regShowPick
bShowPickActive = false
if (ir != undefined) then
iVertTarget = getClosestVert MeshObj faceNum ir.pos
nodeInvalRect MeshObj
if (bShowShiftActive == false) then
registerRedrawViewsCallback regShowShift
bShowShiftActive = true
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback regShowShift
bShowShiftActive = false
if (ir != undefined) then
iClickNumber += 1
if (iClickNumber == 1) then
iVertSource = getClosestVert MeshObj faceNum ir.pos
iVertTarget = getClosestVert MeshObj faceNum ir.pos
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback regShowPick
registerRedrawViewsCallback regShowShift
iVertTarget = getClosestVert MeshObj faceNum ir.pos
doShift MeshObj iVertSource iVertTarget
if (iClickNumber != 0) then
iClickNumber = 0
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback regShowShift
registerRedrawViewsCallback regShowPick
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback regShowPick
-- Interface events ------------------------------------------------------------
on btRun pressed do
if ( (selection.count == 1) and ((classOf selection[1]) == Editable_Mesh) ) then
MeshObj = selection[1]
btRun.enabled = false
mouseTrack on:MeshObj trackCallback:doTest
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback regShowPick
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback regShowShift
btRun.enabled = true
messageBox "Please select a single Editable Mesh object" title:"Shift Mesh Verts"
) -- End Rollout
createDialog rolTest 96 27 style:#(#style_toolwindow, #style_border, #style_sysmenu)
- Enrico