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[Closed] Problem making a joystick

Hi. I´m trying to make a joystick. The problem is that when I move the mouse, the checkbutton don´t update the position until the mouse is out the button.


Thanks and sorry for my english.

8 Replies

Hello Aritz 8):

It’s strange that mousemove clausule doesn’t work inside a checkbutton(pickbutton or similar). Your only chance is to offset the mouse outside the button a little bit(or maybe Bobo has an smart alternative :)). But then you can’t deactivate it unless you focus the button with tab and press enter. Anyways, something like this:

-- by Aritz Aizpurua

macroScript joystick_rollout
	category:"AritzTools" buttonText:"Joystick" 
	balioa = [0,0]

	rollout joystick_rollout "" width:162 height:162
		checkbutton jsButton "" pos:[72,72] width:16 height:16
		on joystick_rollout mousemove balioa do
			if jsButton.checked do 
				jsButton.pos=balioa + [-8,8]			

	createDialog joystick_rollout style:#(#style_titlebar,#Style_toolwindow,#style_sysmenu)

Epa Borja. I have tried the same solution but the result is a little dirty. But now I´m going to try other solution. Thanks.:buttrock:

Another solution:

macroScript JOYSTICK
	category:"AritzTools" buttonText:"Joystick" 
	balioa = [0,0]
	jscenter = [81,81]
	jsactive = False

	rollout joystick_rollout "" width:162 height:162
		button btn0 "" pos:[jscenter.x-9,jscenter.y-9]  width:17 height:17
		button btn1 "" pos:[jscenter.x-5,jscenter.y-18] width:9  height:9 enabled:false
		button btn2 "" pos:[jscenter.x+8,jscenter.y-5] width:9  height:9 enabled:false
		button btn3 "" pos:[jscenter.x-5,jscenter.y+8] width:9  height:9 enabled:false
		button btn4 "" pos:[jscenter.x-18,jscenter.y-5] width:9  height:9 enabled:false
		on btn0 pressed do 
			jsactive = True
			btn0.pos = [180,180]
		on joystick_rollout lbuttondown balioa do
			jsactive = False
			btn0.pos = [jscenter.x-9,jscenter.y-9]
		on joystick_rollout mousemove balioa do
			if jsactive == True do 
				jscenter = balioa
				btn0.pos = [180,180]
				btn1.pos = [jscenter.x-5,jscenter.y-18]
				btn2.pos = [jscenter.x+8,jscenter.y-5]
				btn3.pos = [jscenter.x-5,jscenter.y+8]
				btn4.pos = [jscenter.x-18,jscenter.y-5]
	createDialog joystick_rollout style:#(#style_titlebar,#Style_toolwindow,#style_sysmenu)

Something better :D:

macroScript JOYSTICK
	category:"AritzTools" buttonText:"Joystick" 
	balioa = [0,0]
	jscenter = [81,81]
	jsactive = False

	rollout joystick_rollout "" width:162 height:162
		button btn1 "" pos:[jscenter.x-7,jscenter.y-7] width:15  height:1  enabled:false
		button btn2 "" pos:[jscenter.x+7,jscenter.y-7] width:1   height:15 enabled:false
		button btn3 "" pos:[jscenter.x-7,jscenter.y+7] width:15  height:1  enabled:false
		button btn4 "" pos:[jscenter.x-7,jscenter.y-7] width:1   height:15 enabled:false
		button btn0 "" pos:[jscenter.x-7,jscenter.y-7]  width:15 height:15
		on btn0 pressed do 
			jsactive = True
			btn0.pos = [180,180]
		on joystick_rollout lbuttondown balioa do
			jsactive = False
			btn0.pos = [jscenter.x-7,jscenter.y-7]
		on joystick_rollout mousemove balioa do
			if jsactive == True do 
				jscenter = balioa
				btn0.pos = [180,180]
				btn1.pos = [jscenter.x-7,jscenter.y-7]
				btn2.pos = [jscenter.x+7,jscenter.y-7]
				btn3.pos = [jscenter.x-7,jscenter.y+7]
				btn4.pos = [jscenter.x-7,jscenter.y-7]
	createDialog joystick_rollout style:#(#style_titlebar,#Style_toolwindow,#style_sysmenu)

One more. Tell me if you like it

macroScript joystick_rollout
	category:"AritzTools" buttonText:"Joystick" 
	checked = false
	deactivated=(bitmap 16 16 color:blue)
        activated=(bitmap 16 16 color:red)

	rollout joystick_rollout "" width:162 height:162

		bitmap BitmapImage "" pos:[73,93] width:16 height:16 bitmap:deactivated

		on joystick_rollout lbuttondown balioa do
			--Clicked inside the bitmap button ?
			if(	balioa.x<=(BitmapImage.pos.x+16) and
				balioa.x>=BitmapImage.pos.x and
				balioa.y<=(BitmapImage.pos.y+16) and
				) then
					checked=not checked
					if(checked==true) then
		on joystick_rollout mouseMove balioa do
			if checked do 
				BitmapImage.pos=balioa	+ [-8,-8]	
	)	createDialog joystick_rollout 

That´s cool! :applause:. even whe can make better looking sliders too.
Now it needs some tweaks to be perfect.

  1. Limit button movement in the borders. Adjusting the button borders to the window.
  2. When you click the butoon, it takes the mouse position as center, but it would be greater, that the button saves the relative position with the mouse.
  3. Click and drag method.
  4. xy value visualizer.

Do you know if its possible making imagebuttons without borders?

1 2 3 and 3 are possible. Is not possible from what I know to make bitmap buttons without border. You can use imagetag(that have no borders an some great events to handle them) but the same problem of mousemove arise. Maybe there are some ActiveX controllers to do this. By the way, what do you wan’t to do with this new “controllers”?