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[Closed] Pro Cutter

I noticed that it creates 2 elements, but I want to have 2 objects. Is this possible?

I just tested in Max 2013, it worked fine for me.

I created a teapot, ran the code, but without the Macroscript header and On Execute, and it sliced it up and made multiple objects.

Try this function
Somtime works Ok, somtime not especially if you use boxes.
Select multiple object and run code to see what happens.
–“selectionArr” > selected objects
–“useDir” > if is true then slicePlane will be placed at obj center with same
direction as object else
–“strength” > set Noice modifier strength value

fn procutterSlice selectionArr: useDir:true strength:10 =
	if selectionArr == unsupplied then objectsArr = getCurrentSelection() else objectsArr = selectionArr
	if objectsArr.count == 0 then (messageBox "Select some objects first" title:"procutterSlice" beep:false) else
		fn filtGeo msh = (isKindof msh GeometryClass and not isKindOf msh TargetObject and not isKindOf msh XRefObject)
		if getCommandPanelTaskMode() != #create do setCommandPanelTaskMode mode:#create
		subdivideMod = subdivide size:10
		smoothMod = smooth autosmooth:off
		with redraw off
			for obj in objectsArr where filtGeo obj == true do
				noiseMod = Noisemodifier seed:(random 0 9999) scale:10 fractal:true roughness:1 iterations:6 strength:[strength/2,strength,strength]
				objBB = in coordsys local nodeLocalBoundingBox obj
				planeSize = amax #((abs((objBB[1]-objBB[2]).x))+20, (abs((objBB[1]-objBB[2]).y))+20)
				slicePlane = plane width:planeSize length:planeSize widthSegs:5 lengthSegs:5 dir:(if useDir then obj.dir else [0,0,1]) pos:( 
				addmodifier slicePlane subdivideMod
				addmodifier slicePlane noiseMod
				addmodifier slicePlane smoothMod
				ProCutter.CreateCutter slicePlane 4 true true false true true
				ProCutter.AddStocks slicePlane obj 4 1
				ConvertToPoly slicePlane
				delete slicePlane
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