[Closed] PolySplitRing Tool – Script idea
A friend just showed me the PolySplitRing tool in Maya, and boy, do I wish we had that in Max !
Basically, it allows you to insert Edge Loops at the position of the mouse. Really neat !
I am trying to have a go at it…
but I need help (specially for the preview/mouse parts)
So, How to do this in max ???
pseudo code:
- get the object under the mouse
- get the face under the mouse
- get the faces’ edge closest to the mouse
- ring select the edge
- divide the edges using the position of the mouse between the edgeVerts
- connect the new vertices
fn divideEdges obj val = (
RingEdges=(polyop.getEdgeSelection obj) as array
polyop.setEdgeSelection obj #()
polyop.setVertSelection obj #()
for e in RingEdges do obj.divideEdge e val select:true
What would be the best implementation for this ? a Tool, a MouseTrack ?
the CleanCut script ( http://www.scriptspot.com/rhyde/cleancut.html ) can be good base to start
If any of you script gurus want to have a go at it, I’m sure the max community would appreciate this tool !
Any hints, infos, code etc… most welcome !
We just had a long thread at Polycount about this:
I didn’t get a chance to contribute anything significant, but if anyone here comes up with a better solution than what that other guy did, please post it there, or I can do it.
I know this doesn’t help with scripting but… Polyboost has this tool. (and more) http://www.polyboost.com/
go to Features, Modeling, then scroll down to Poly Draw.
Thx for the input.
The thread @ polycount is very interesting !
I hope to post something in a few days…
You may want to look at the IllusionCatalyst Draw Loop tool. It appears that it may do what you want, and is free.
Hi guys,
IllusionCatalyst (version 1.1.1) can insert an edge loop only in the middle of edge crossed, by using the Draw tool and pressing SHIFT. I already coded an update which allows to insert the loop anywhere according to the crossing edge position. Unfortunately it doesn’t have a preview feature. I tried to get something with gw viewport drawing, but came up to nothing good. I guess the SDK can provide a better way, like the hint dashed line got in the standard cut tool. If you like my set of instruments and consider this feature fundamental, I can pack up a small new release.
Thanks Eric for remembering and pointing out my tools.
- Enrico
Hi Enrio
I just tried you scripts !!! WAY cool !!!
and open source… WoW !! thx a bunch
I shamelessly stole code from CleanCut…
well, I managed to get the object, then the face, then the edge
and I can show a preview, BUT, I can’t get the preview to update with the mouse moving…
(though the real function inserts the loop at the mouse point…
also, There is a problem when edges are not ordered…
maybe that can give someone an idea…
---- Mosttly inspired from Cleancut:
---- [ http://www.scriptspot.com/rhyde/cleancut.html ]( http://www.scriptspot.com/rhyde/cleancut.html)
macroScript Insert_Loop
global rcvb -- the redraw callback
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback rvcb
local thresh
local RingEdges
local Edge_Percent=0.5
local PolyObj
local MeshObj
local PolyIndex
local EdgeIndex
local clickPoint
local FirstClick=true
-- From CLeanCut
fn getPolyIndexFromTri msh poly tri =
triverts = (meshop.getVertsUsingFace msh tri) as array
result = undefined
allVertsFaces = #()
for item in triverts do
append allVertsFaces ((polyOp.getFacesUsingVert poly item) as array)
for item in allVertsFaces[1] do
if (((findItem allVertsFaces[2] item) != 0) and ((findItem allVertsFaces[3] item) != 0)) do
result = item
fn GetPosAlongEdges obj edges val =
local pos=#()
for edg in edges do
v=polyop.getEdgeVerts obj edg
sort v
p1=Polyop.getVert obj v[1]
p2=Polyop.getVert obj v[2]
append pos (p1+((p2-p1)*val))
-- From CleanCut
fn autoThreshold obj samples:5 factor:8 =
seed(random (random 1 65535) (random 1 65535))
alength = 0
for i in 1 to samples do
rnd_idx = random 1 obj.numFaces
fac = obj.faces[rnd_idx].index
edg = (polyOp.getFaceEdges obj fac as array)[1]
e_verts = polyOp.getEdgeVerts obj edg as array
alength += (distance (polyOp.getVert obj e_verts[2]) (polyOp.getVert obj e_verts[1]))
thresh = ((alength/samples)/factor)
fn isClosedRing obj edges =
faces1 = polyop.getEdgeFaces obj edges[1]
faces2 = polyop.getEdgeFaces obj edges[edges.count]
for i in faces2 do if finditem faces1 i !=0 do res=true
-- the redraw Callback
fn highlightEdges =
l_col = green
gw.setColor #line l_col
local pos=GetPosAlongEdges PolyObj RingEdges Edge_Percent
for i=1 to (pos.count-1) do
append posPairs #(pos[i], pos[i+1])
if (isClosedRing PolyObj RingEdges) do append posPairs #(pos[pos.count], pos[1])
for edg in posPairs do
pt1 = edg[1]
pt2 = edg[2]
v = (pt2 - pt1)
v_len = length v
sz = thresh/30
vm = matrixFromNormal (normalize v)
vm.translation = pt1
gw.setTransform vm
for i in 0 to 90 by 30 do
x = sz * (cos i)
y = sz * (sin i)
gw.polyline #([x,y,0], [x,y,v_len]) false
gw.polyline #([-x,-y,0], [-x,-y,v_len]) false
gw.polyline #([-x,y,0], [-x,y,v_len]) false
gw.polyline #([x,-y,0], [x,-y,v_len]) false
gw.enlargeUpdateRect #whole
-- pointer to the redraw callback function
fn rvcb = highlightEdges()
-- does the real thing
fn divideEdges obj val =
undo "InsertLoop" on
polyop.setEdgeSelection obj #()
polyop.setVertSelection obj #()
for e in RingEdges do obj.divideEdge e val select:true
-- find the closest edge to the mouse with the face index
fn FindClosestEdge f pt =
FaceEdges=polyop.getFaceEdges PolyObj f
for edg in FaceEdges do
EdgeVerts=polyop.getEdgeVerts PolyObj edg
EdgePos=((polyop.getVert PolyObj EdgeVerts[1]) + (polyop.getVert PolyObj EdgeVerts[2]))/2.0
d=distance pt EdgePos
if d<closest do (closest=d; idx=edg)
-- the Mouse Track function - only preview
fn DoInsertLoop msg ir obj faceNum shift ctrl alt =
case msg of
#freemove:(if FirstClick then #continue else #stop)
#mousePoint:( -- user clicked once
if FirstClick then
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback rvcb
PolyIndex = getPolyIndexFromTri MeshObj PolyObj faceNum
EdgeIndex=FindClosestEdge PolyIndex ir.pos
polyop.setEdgeSelection PolyObj EdgeIndex
RingEdges=(polyop.getEdgeSelection PolyObj) as array
polyop.setEdgeSelection PolyObj #()
RegisterRedrawViewsCallback rvcb
divideEdges PolyObj Edge_Percent
if isValidNode MeshObj do delete MeshObj
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback rvcb
#mouseMove:( -- user clicked and is moving the mouse
if FirstClick do
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback rvcb
PolyIndex = getPolyIndexFromTri MeshObj PolyObj faceNum
EdgeIndex=FindClosestEdge PolyIndex ir.pos
polyop.setEdgeSelection PolyObj EdgeIndex
RingEdges=(polyop.getEdgeSelection PolyObj) as array
polyop.setEdgeSelection PolyObj #()
RegisterRedrawViewsCallback rvcb
v1=polyop.getVert PolyObj ((polyop.GetEdgeVerts PolyObj EdgeIndex)[1])
v2=polyop.getVert PolyObj ((polyop.GetEdgeVerts PolyObj EdgeIndex)[2])
-- Buggy - need to check the direction of the edge
-- Edge_Percent=1-((distance ir.pos v1)/length (v2-v1))
Edge_Percent=((distance ir.pos v1)/length (v2-v1))
if Edge_Percent<0 do Edge_Percent=0
if Edge_Percent>1 do Edge_Percent=1
-- unregisterRedrawViewsCallback rvcb
-- registerRedrawViewsCallback rvcb
-- redrawViews()
if isValidNode MeshObj do delete MeshObj
unregisterRedrawViewsCallback rvcb
return #stop
if selection[1] != undefined do
if classof selection[1].baseObject == Editable_Poly do
local obj=selection[1]
MeshObj = snapshot obj
hide MeshObj
autoThreshold PolyObj factor:12
mouseTrack on:MeshObj trackCallback:DoInsertLoop
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback rvcb
if isValidNode MeshObj do delete MeshObj
please help me improve this mess
Hi Zbuffer,
I’m on it, currently integrating IllusionCatalyst code into your script. The function to get polygon from face mesh isn’t accurate, because it doesn’t consider the case where three vertices from the same mesh face belong to two polygons. By now I made it draw an edge loop according to the second mouse click position and not in the middle, but doesn’t show right and updating preview yet. I’ll post some messy code too as soon as it start working someway, then we’ll go for optimization to solve heavy calculation issues, a simple recursive function is involved.
- Enrico
Cool !
i’m leaving for a few days…
I’ll try to post some update then…
Hope you can get this sorted out !
Merry Xmas to all
Hi guys,
I’m glad to share IC_PolySplitRing script. This is my 3ds Max version of the most required Maya tool. Get it freely from IllusionCatalyst website in the MaxScript page.
The script has been thoroughly tested, anyhow please report any issue.
Thank you, enjoy!
- Enrico