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[Closed] polyOp.getVert – simple question

Hey guys

This should be obvious, but I don’t seem to either understand or get this right …

MAXScript Help says:

polyop.getVert <Poly poly> <int vertex> \

Returns the position of the specified vertex.
If is a node, or if is an Editable Poly and is specified, the position returned is in the current coordinate system context. If is an Editable Poly and is not specified, the return value is in the poly’s local coordinate system.

Now how do you use the “node: ” part?

No matter what I do it always returns the vertex position in the current coordinate system.

For example for an Editable Poly somwhere in the scene (pivot not [0,0,0])

polyOp.getVert $ 1 node:$

should give a different output than

polyOp.getVert $ 1

Or am I missing something?

1 Reply

It’s interesting how you can struggle with this for an hour and figure it out the second you finally ask the question on CGTalk :rolleyes:

Just for people who might encouter the same question:
When they say
“If <poly> is a node, or if <poly> is an Editable Poly and <node> is specified, the position returned is in the current coordinate system context. If <poly> is an Editable Poly and <node> is not specified, the return value is in the poly’s local coordinate system.”
A “node” is “$” or “selection[1]” or “$Box001”
And an Editable Poly is “$.baseobject”

Of course it doesn’t helpt that “classOf $” and “classOf $.baseobject” output the same “Editable_Poly” :rolleyes:

So yeah, very simple once you know it. But I saw so many code snippets with

polyOp.getVert $ i node:$

As long as you’re using a node however … there is really no use to specifiy <node>