[Closed] Point3 and isolated verts
im writing some tools to clean meshes and/or warn the artists about various aspects of a model so i have written a little loop that gets all the positions of the verts of a mesh and compares them to see if any are on top of one another, ie unwelded/open edged
So, this works fine EXCEPT when a vert is isolated, even if its exactly in the same position it will not consider it as a problem vert
Any thoughts why? because when i get the two vert positions in the listener and compare the literal values there it returns them to be equal and true
Thanks for any input,
Hi Dave,
try to delete them using the .DeleteIsoVerts()
Thanks for your reply but I already knew about the remove isolated verts function, the issue was with why max would return them differently or have a different precision for them. It seems that it was a precision issue and with a small tolerance included in the calculation my function finds all coincident verts,isolated or not. So I guess that’s the answer, max is not very accurate
Hm, I don’t believe that it’s a max precision problem.
I’ve uploaded a scene which probably covers all the possible combinations between isolated and non-isolated verts.
Using the following code, seems to work fine.
polyObj = $Plane001
thresh = .1
vertsCount = polyOp.getNumVerts polyObj
vertPosAr = for i=1 to vertsCount collect polyOp.getVert polyObj i
vertsForWelding = #()
for i=1 to vertsCount - 1 do (
for j=i+1 to vertsCount do (
if distance vertPosAr[i] vertPosAr[j] <= thresh then (
append vertsForWelding i; append vertsForWelding j;
polyObj.weldThreshold = thresh
polyop.weldVertsByThreshold polyObj vertsForWelding
You should look at close_enough in the maxscript help:
close_enough <float> <float> <int>
Returns true if the two <float> values are approximately equal, where increasing values of <int> increase the range defined as appoximately equal. Available in 3ds Max 2008 and higher.
I use this function to verify whether various faces, edges and verts are co-planar.
@sinokgr, yep that is very close to what i ended up with
@AlexanderH, the close_enough is a bit odd as uit takes an Int for the tolerance/threshold, i ended writing a tiny little function to do a nicer tolerance based on a float
I shall try it when i get a chance, but what happens on your uploaded scene with thresh 0.0?
Well, it turns out that after going back to the source point I was thinking of, I have indeed commented out use of close_enough in favour of a small function to compare the floats myself with a tolerance level as defined by the scripts themselves.
it equates to this:
if abs(point1.x - point2.x) <= PLANAR_THRESHOLD then --10mm is the threshold for which to verify!
(return true )
(return false)