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[Closed] Point Cache Randomizer

Hey Guys,
I was wondering how I could write a script which would randomize the start frame for all the Point Cache files applied on any object in my scene…

So far all I have is


try (destroydialog PointCacheRandomizer) catch()

global PointCacheRandomizer

rollout PointCacheRandomizer “Randomize Point Cache”


button Pointcache “Point Cache Applier”

on Pointcache pressed do


modPanel.addModToSelection (Point_Cache ()) ui:on


button randomizer “Randomize It”

on randomizer pressed do


$*.modifiers[#Point_Cache].recordStart = random 1 100



createdialog PointCacheRandomizer width:200 height:100



Thanks and Regards,

4 Replies

I actually did the same a while ago, it’s quite simple.

val=random 0 25
for i in selection do
 i.modifiers[#Point_Cache].playbackType = 1
 i.modifiers[#Point_Cache].playbackStart = -val

Thanks Kameleon,
Also I was wondering like when I select a bunch of objects together and apply any modifier to them it becomes an instanced modifier…But how could I select various objects or atleast a class specific object and apply unique modifiers of the same genre to them?

Also on another note…I tried out the script but the problem seems to be the same…Say if I select a group of objects and then press randomize it randomizes it allright but the same value is applied for all the objects not like seeds or random numbers for each object.

Thanks Dude,


The pointcache modifier needs to be selected in the modifier panel for the changes to happen…

	randMin = 0
	randMax = 25
	playbackType = 1
	fn getPointCacheObjects selected:Geometry =
		if selected != undefined then
			pArr = #()
			for o in selected do 
				for m in o.modifiers where classof m == Point_Cache do append pArr #(o,m)
		) else

	pc = getPointCacheObjects()
	--pc = getPointCacheObjects selected:selection
	if pc != undefined then
		for o in pc do															-- Loop 
			select o[1]
			setNeedsRedraw complete:true								-- Force complete redraw for cacheOps to work
			modPanel.setCurrentObject o[2]								-- Set modifier to pc for cacheOps to work

			o[2].playbackType = playbackType
			o[2].recordStart = random randMin randMax

To append a unique modifier to a selection use

for i in selection do addModifier i (Point_Cache())

To select objects of specific classes look for the classof and superclassof methods in the helpfile. Also take a look at my getPointCacheObjects function above, maybe it gives you a start.


Hey, sorry I just realized I gave you an older version of my script. I used it in a very specific case where I didn’t need random values. Try using JHN script instead! Good luck.