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[Closed] plugin saving file problem

plugin saving file problem
Hi, i wrote a GUP plugin, it works well but when i try to save the file, it crashes and with a dialog saying:
No symbols are loaded for any call stack frame. The source code cannot be displayed.

anyone knows what could be the causes for this?

i noticed it never reach Stop() or destructor of my plugin before crashing, i have several classes defined for internal use only, do i have to write classID and superClassID and reflect this in LibNumberClasses() for every single class in my plugin?
is it caused by global variables?

1 Reply

by the way

  • i have attached some AddAppDataChunk() to nodes in the scene
  • if i delete everything then save, it’s fine
  • i have a global variable which has pointers to INode in the scene and i’m not saving the variable