Well i am newbie to 3dsmex, and there is that one probleme that was bugging me :banghead: i tried everything like compound objects and it didn’t work
so the probleme is like this:
i finished modeling a car, and i want to get all the peaces togather, meaning to be treated as one single mesh, because whene there are multiple objects some options doesn’t work and it’s hard to apply theme on each single mesh, i want to set the final result so i can apply modifiers on all the group like one single mesh,
thanks a lot and i really apreciate it if someone could help me
This is probably more at home in the main Autodesk 3ds max forum, but…
If one of your objects is an Editable Mesh, there should be an “Attach List” button in its Modify panel. Use that to select all the other objects. If it’s an Editable Poly, that button looks like a little square next to the regular “Attach” button.
vScourge is right, but if you have a model of a car with many parts and not just the body, you really don’t want to attach them into a single mesh. Nothing will be able to move then, like doors or wheels or windows or the hood. Nothing. What modifiers are you using that you feel need to work on a single mesh?
hint: maybe you want to attach all your parts to a dummy object so you can animate it separately.