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[Closed] Pivot inside bounding box
Jan 10, 2013 7:43 pm
I’m using this code from denisT to check if pivot is inside bounding box:
struct bounds (bmin, bmax)
fn isPointInsideBBox pos bbox =
pos.x >= bbox.bmin.x and pos.x <= bbox.bmax.x \
pos.y >= bbox.bmin.y and pos.y <= bbox.bmax.y \
pos.z >= bbox.bmin.z and pos.z <= bbox.bmax.z
fn isPivotInsideBBox node bbType:#world =
tm = case of
(bbType == #local): node.objectTransform
(iskindof bbType Matrix3): bbType
default: matrix3 1
bbox = nodeGetBoundingBox node tm
bbox = bounds bmin:bbox[1] bmax:bbox[2]
isPointInsideBBox (node.pivot*(inverse tm)) bbox
isPivotInsideBBox $ bbType:#local
Now i’m wondering, how could i add some threshold value in there? Like i could make the boundingbox virtually smaller or larger by some percent and to allow pivot be outside the actual boundingbox. I tried multiplying bbox in isPointInsideBBox -function but it didn’t work with rotated object.
1 Reply
Jan 10, 2013 7:43 pm
you have to scale bbox (if you need change it by %), or resize (if you want to use absolute value):
fn scaleBBox bbox factor:0.5 =
size = bbox[2]-bbox[1]
delta = size * (1.0 - factor)
bbox[1] += delta/2
bbox[2] -= delta/2
fn resizeBBox bbox value:1.0 =
bbox[1] -= value/2
bbox[2] += value/2
i use the same amount for all three dimensions. if you want to have unique amount for each dimension use a point3 for ‘factor’ and ‘value’ instead of just a float.