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[Closed] pivot alignment

the addition of the normal modifier to a body object convert it to a editable mesh cause it affect the geometry.

any collapsing of modifier stack will result “editable mesh” or “editable poly” max can not collapse to another types.

for undo ability just use undo context like this

on x pressed do with undo label:"Mirror Pivots X" on mirrorA 1
on y pressed do with undo label:"Mirror Pivots Y" on mirrorA 2		
on z pressed do with undo label:"Mirror Pivots Z" on mirrorA 3

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that depends from the kind of modifier, the collapsed and right aligned pivots are body objects.
for example collapsing modifier like:
edit poly/mesh
unwrap uvw
path deform
will collapse into a mesh or poly.

collapsing a body object with a modifier like
uvw map
or another not geometry affecting modifier can be collapsed to body objects.

to collapse all the x-form modifier in to body objects i just run:
collapseStack selection

and it worked fine

that depends from the kind of modifier, the collapsed and right aligned pivots are body objects.
for example collapsing modifier like:
edit poly/mesh
unwrap uvw
path deform
will collapse into a mesh or poly.

collapsing a body object with a modifier like
uvw map
or another not geometry affecting modifier can be collapsed to body objects.

to collapse all the x-form modifier in to body objects i just run:
collapseStack selection

hm… i tried it on sphere, teapot and other primitives
but after

collapseStack selection

i always get editable_mesh, no matter which modifier i put on the object

maybe because you are on max 2009.
if you try to create a nurbs surface you can chose to convert it to poly, mesh, patch and NURBS.

the macro recorder show for the nurbs surface this
convertTo $ NURBSSurf

but if i add the normal modifier i can only convert to editable mesh, cause it affect the surface.

with body objects i can only convert to editable poly or mesh.

some modifiers implicitly convert the geometry to polygons and then it turns to mesh from nurbs

Anyway a great thank you for the great help.
for sure both script are immensely useful for me. there are a lot of people looking for a simple pivots mirror tool like the one you have done on the fly.
why do you not post them on scriptspot?

good work dokdan, i just added my vote

by the way, when i touch a non poly or mesh geometry in max the macro recorder display subobject…
is there a way to collapse to subobjects instead to editable mesh?
also is there a way to activate the internal normal-face flip of the object without to add the normal modifier? also for poly or mesh.
this could be a way for avoiding the geometry change.

i checked the macro recorder and when i flip the faces of a mesh cube or their normals… from inside it’s own setting panel, the macro recorder seems to register nothing… or maybe i’m doing something wrong with it…

This one for Mesh:
meshop.flipNormals meshObject #{1…(getNumFaces meshObject )}

for Nurbs and Poly i have to check .
I think they also have some methods to flip normals.

btw meshop.flipNormals was implimented in the first version of script that i posted here.

Later i will also fix the collapse type of the object.

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

i know… but a nurbs its like to add the normal modifer and to collapse it to editablemesh

Later i will also fix the collapse type of the object.


btw… would be interesting to see if a “nurbs as body object” while collapsing could be collapsed and converted to a “NURBSSurface” but i thought that i’m dreaming
but if you find the flip string command line nurbs… i’ll try them all.

for editable poly the macro recorder show this:
$.EditablePoly.flipNormals 1

for a cube with editpoly modifier on it:

subobjectLevel = 5
modPanel.setCurrentObject $.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Face #{}
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Select #Face #{1…6}
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].ButtonOp #FlipElement

strange is that it doesn’t show to register the flip for mesh and for body object and nurbssurface.

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