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[Closed] pftrack ASCII tracker text file to max

hey guys

im trying to get 2d tracking data from pftrack 2011
to 3dsmax
the only way i can find for now to export the data fast
is by exporting it to ascii text file

i cant import into max or after

is it posible to do it vie max script ???
or is there another way?

here is a sample of a file:




frame, xpos, ypos, similarity

0 192.000000 510.750000 1.000000
1 192.000000 510.750000 -1.000000
2 190.747025 508.957520 -1.000000
3 190.710312 508.697418 -1.000000
4 190.808624 508.255066 -1.000000
5 191.121292 508.484161 -1.000000
6 191.931137 508.433838 -1.000000
7 191.155853 508.437500 0.936175
8 190.832977 509.182068 -1.000000
9 190.746475 509.122803 -1.000000
10 190.645721 509.392761 -1.000000
11 190.671677 509.316772 -1.000000
12 190.638367 509.636078 -1.000000
13 190.457062 510.084320 -1.000000
14 190.396042 510.148041 -1.000000
15 190.374603 510.218750 0.920438
16 190.383316 510.290100 -1.000000
17 190.386795 510.239838 -1.000000
18 190.396088 510.262604 -1.000000
19 190.432693 510.103455 -1.000000
20 190.427826 509.829803 -1.000000
21 190.465027 509.706207 -1.000000
22 190.624603 509.625000 0.920398

really hope u guys can help

11 Replies

In your text file there is only X & Y position data and no Z… what should happen?

edit: sorry, you said you were after 2D tracking data.

What is the relevance of the similarity parameter for each frame?


ignoring the similarity parameter, this seems to work, but I will need you to upload an actual file with more than one object to test.

Also keep in mind there is no error handling, this is just a quick flimsy solution.

fn importPFTrack2D fName =
	local allLines = for l in ((dotNetClass "System.IO.File").readAllLines fName) where l[1]!="#" and l.count>0 collect l
	local pos = 1
	while pos < allLines.count do
		with animate on
			local obj = point name:(substituteString allLines[pos] "\"" "")
			local frames = allLines[pos] as integer
			for i = 1 to frames do
				local vals = filterString allLines[pos] " "
				at time (vals[1] as integer) obj.pos = [vals[2] as float, vals[3] as float, 0]				

Wow thanks man , I didn’t except to get a reply so soon!
As soon as I get to th office I’ll upload the file.
That is super helpful , thanks alot !

thanks again rotem , i really appreciate your help .
i have uploaded the file to here


You’re quite the early bird…

fn importPFTrack2D fName =
	local allLines = for l in ((dotNetClass "System.IO.File").readAllLines fName) where l[1]!="#" and l.count>0 collect l
	local pos = 1
	local quot = "\""
	local space = " "
	while pos < allLines.count do
		with animate on
			local obj = point name:(substituteString allLines[pos] quot "")
			local frames = allLines[pos] as integer
			for i = 1 to frames do
				local vals = filterString allLines[pos] space
				at time (vals[1] as integer) obj.pos = [vals[2] as float, vals[3] as float, 0]				


importPFTrack2D @"C:	est.txt"

The function seems to work fine for me, have you tried it?

yea it works !!
tank you so much!!


sure, glad to help

Hello IO, helloSplinter.
i’m looking at your exchange. great great.
but i’m junior about scipt.

and i tried t your script for import x.y position from pftrack to an object in 3dsmax.
when i running your sricp i get an error message on the line ” usage”.
a factor is atteming(waiting) ?

how to for apply the script to my object ?
sorry for my english…

I m sorry but i don’t see my request for this thread. posted 3 hours ago i m trying by this post to understand.

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