[Closed] PF Source scripting issues
I wrote a script which positions the particles via a script operator every frame, taking point3 values from a global array.
It works, but it is behaving very strangely after I manually created a PF source in a new file and saved it. Now some of the particles positioned via the script pop up at random places. Their ids are mostly powers of 2 (512, 1024, 2048 etc) and some other ids. Only these ids are affected always, rest are plotted correctly.
Printing out the array values shows nothing wrong, getparticleposition also returns correct value, but in the next frame the particles jumps to a random position.
It worked correctly since a month. Somehow the manual PF source has corrupted the particle system. I tried gc(), restarting max, restarting PC, reducing heapsize etc. Does anyone know a solution ? Where can I reset the corrupted settings?
The max version is 2011 32bit.
If you can post the actual max file then it may be easy to understand your problem and find the solution.
I guess its not needed now, the problem was solved by setting the speed to 0 at birth. pCont.particleSpeed = [0,0,0]
Very silly of me to assume that max will do the inits for me.
Thanks for replying anyway.