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[Closed] personal script challenge


I want to finally get round to lookin at maxscript but am not sure what to do, i’ve not used it before so want to set a little challenge for myself to script something in a set time.

I was wondering if n e 1 has n e idea what i should try to script and a timescale

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It sounds strange coming from me, but the time does not matter.
I would suggest finding something (trivial or not) that you find interesting, challenging, something that would give you that “Yuppeeee!” feeling when you finally get it to work!
For start, you could take an existing simple script (for example one from the MAXScript Reference’s “How To” tutorials, or something from and try to expand it, make it better, easier to use, or something like that.
Another possibility would be some simple but useful EditablePoly operation – EPoly is fun to script and the resulting scripts are usually relatively short but really poweful and useful (see Laszlo’s MeshTools).

But really, don’t wait for someone to give you a challenge, find one yourself – the kick of accomplishing it will make you ask for more (trust me, that’s the main thing that is driving me after almost 7 years of MAXScripting…)

sound advice bobo, i shall try to make a new script rather than edit an existing, i gonna place an order for maxscript 101, so hopefully i will be able to afford that soon

yeah man,

check all scripts and then try to rewrite it in your way, if its far better then post it so another man can do what you did.

see ya