[Closed] Performant way to get all used Material IDs?
I’m writing a scene exporter and I wondered if there is a way to get all used material IDs in the current scene without going through every single triangle? Because I tried the following and it takes ages with complex scenes:
global ALL_TRIANGLES = #()
struct triStruct (
fn getAllTriangles =
start = timeStamp()
for obj in $* where (superclassof obj == GeometryClass) do
s = (snapShotAsMesh obj)
numFaces = meshop.getNumFaces s
for i = 1 to numFaces do
newFace = triStruct triNode:obj triMatID:(getFaceMatID s i) triIndex:i
append ALL_TRIANGLES newFace
end = timeStamp()
format "%ms
" (end-start)
I’ve been searching the Maxscript help for hours without any luck.
Any ideas how to improve the speed here?
i don’t know the other way then go through all geo nodes and their faces to collect face ids.
how complex your scene is?
ids = #{}
for node in geometry as array do
m = snapshotasmesh node
for f=1 to m.numfaces do ids[getFaceMatID m f] = on
delete m
for 1,500,000 faces it takes ~3sec. not too bad.
Thank you, this is indeed faster than my approach. Could you explain what exactly “ids[getFaceMatID m f] = on”, especially the “= on”, does? Is there a difference to:
ids = for f=1 to m.numfaces collect (getFaceMatID m f)
It just sets the indexed BitArray element to true. The difference is his uses a BitArray, yours creates an Array. BitArrays are more compact than Arrays, so more efficient in certain problems.
Look at it the other way, if you have the material/submaterial on the objects in the scene try to select the faces on each Id and if you get a result that is greater than 0 faces its in use, that way you loop will run once per id not once per poly
Hope that helps