[Closed] Passing initialization value to nested struct as a reference?
Im having some trouble using nested structs because I cant access values from the parent struct, and because the values change at runtime I cant just pass the values to the struct on create, because they would become out of date later.
global Temp
struct MainStruct
MainStructValue = 1,
NestedStruct =
struct NestedStruct (
fn TestValue = (print referenceValue)
) referenceValue:&MainStructValue,
fn ModifyValue = ( MainStructValue += 1),
on create do ()
Temp = MainStruct()
So i had this idea to pass the values to the nested struct by reference. To my surprise it actually compiles, but the problem is its not really working as i would want it
print referenceValue
returns a “Struct member:MainStructValue” which is of type ValueRef. the documentation for ValueRef is pretty much nothing, so i was wondering if anyone has any ideas how I could actually cast this to a usable type? Ive also looked in to the dereferencing documentation with * but i cant seem to get it to work… it just keeps returning “Struct member:MainStructValue”
Works with array. Not sure if it is possible for other value types
global Temp
local xyz
struct MainStruct
MainStructValue = #(),
NestedStruct =
struct NestedStruct (
fn TestValue = (format "%
" (*referenceValue))
) referenceValue:&xyz,
fn ModifyValue = ( append MainStructValue 1),
on create do xyz = MainStructValue
Temp = MainStruct()
#(1, 1)
#(1, 1, 1)
Indeed, using an array as a wrapper for the actual values seems to work. Makes the implementation a bit more verbose than I would like but i guess its better than nothing
Any reason not to do it this way?
global Temp
struct NestedStructDef
fn TestValue = print owner.MainStructValue
struct MainStruct
MainStructValue = 1,
NestedStruct = NestedStructDef owner:this,
fn ModifyValue = MainStructValue += 1,
on create do ()
Temp = MainStruct()
Awesome, this is exactly what I was looking for! Im assuming it works for private members too?