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[Closed] passing array to new popup dialog?
Jan 15, 2006 4:48 am
I want a new dialog box to pop up and display some information from my main dialog. How do i go about passing information to my new dialog from the old?
1 Reply
Jan 15, 2006 4:48 am
You need to reference the other rollout like in the following example test1.txt_Source.text, this is one way, and another would be to just pass it to a global variable and read it in the second dialog.
Here is the code:
rollout test1 "Source"
edittext txt_Source "Enter Source text:" labelontop:true
button btn_OpenTest2 "Open Destination dialog"
on btn_OpenTest2 pressed do createdialog test2 180 80
rollout test2 "Destination"
edittext txt_Destination "Here is your text:" labelontop:true
on test2 open do txt_Destination.text = test1.txt_Source.text
createdialog test1 200 100