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[Closed] particleflow script trouble or something? __2
May 16, 2013 6:37 am
Hey guys,
I come again, after DenisT fixed my particle flow test_script (thanks DenisT again),I’ve been trying particle script tests.
and now I find an interesting thing,supposing a script is run fast,like the one DenisT fixed,but after append another event,it will become slow or forzen,even if the event appended is very very simple.
for example:my pc will loop the script that DenisT fixed 50 times quickly before append another event,but after appended will forzen.
When I turn off "undo",will loop faster,but "hold" and "fetch" will still take time or maybe frozen.
Does another very simple event appended take so much time? thanks for any help!
rollout pf_test "pf_test" width:160 height:84
spinner spn1 "" pos:[88,8] width:63 height:16 range:[1,1000,10] type:#integer scale:1
button btn1 "creat particle flow" pos:[8,33] width:144 height:39
label lbl1 "Loop amount " pos:[8,8] width:69 height:17
on spn1 changed val do
on btn1 pressed do
tstart = timestamp()
undo on
for i=1 to loop_number do
pfSource = PF_Source()
pfSource.SetPViewLocation 1 1
op1 = Birth()
op2 = Position_Icon()
op3 = Speed()
op4 = Script_Operator()
"on ChannelsUsed pCont do
pCont.useTime = true
pCont.useSpeed = true
on Init pCont do
on Proceed pCont do
count = pCont.NumParticles()
slowSpeed = 1/160.0
verySlowSpeed = 0.01/160.0
divAngle = 12.0 -- random deviation per frame
tStart = pCont.getTimeStart() as float
tEnd = pCont.getTimeEnd() as float
timeDif = tEnd - tStart
timeDif /= 160.0
dragCoef = 0.08
for i in 1 to count do
pCont.particleIndex = i
if length(pCont.particleSpeed) > slowSpeed then
pCont.particleSpeed -= dragCoef*timeDif*pCont.particleSpeed
newLen = length(pCont.particleSpeed)
if newLen > verySlowSpeed then
pCont.particleSpeed = pCont.randDivergeVector(pCont.particleSpeed)(divAngle/(160*newLen))
pCont.particleSpeed = pCont.randDivergeVector(pCont.particleSpeed)(180.0)
if length(pCont.particleSpeed) < 1.5*slowSpeed then
if pCont.particleID < 50 then
pCont.particleSpeed += [(random -0.002 -0.005)*timeDif, 0, 0]
pCont.particleSpeed += [(random 0.002 0.005)*timeDif, 0, 0]
on Release pCont do
op5 = ShapeLibrary()
op6 = RenderParticles()
op7 = DisplayParticles Type:6
op7.color = pfSource.wireColor
op8 = Age_Test()
ev1 = Event()
ev1.SetPViewLocation 1 95
ev1.AppendAction op1
ev1.AppendAction op2
ev1.AppendAction op3
ev1.AppendAction op4
ev1.AppendAction op5
ev1.AppendAction op7
ev1.AppendAction op8
pfSource.AppendAction op6
pfSource.AppendInitialActionList ev1
op9 = DisplayParticles Type:6
ev2 = Event()
ev2.SetPViewLocation 1 307
ev2.AppendAction op9
op8.setNextActionList ev2 op8
tend = timestamp()
print ("done: finished. Total time: " + ((tend-tstart)/1000.0) as string + "s")
createdialog pf_test pos:[0,85] escapeEnable:true
1 Reply
May 16, 2013 6:37 am
When cope and paste code into maxscript editor, at line number 63 will show :
…(divAn gle/(160newLen))
please fix into …(divAngle/(160newLen))
I try many times ,couldn’t correct the right form ,crazy me!